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News and Letters

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  • Year 11 Revision Sessions April 2024

    Published 01/04/24

    The staff at Co-op Academy North Manchester are doing their utmost to support all of our year 11 pupils to  prepare for their forthcoming GCSE examinations and assessments.

    Please find below details of the revision sessions that staff will be running over the Easter holidays.

    Our pupils' progress is very important, and they are being given the opportunity to attend some of the sessions detailed on the timetable below to ensure they have the best possible chance of achieving their target grade in the subject assessments. We would appreciate the support of our parents and carers in ensuring that pupils complete all work set over the holidays and attend any relevant sessions.

    We would also ask for support in ensuring that pupils attend these revision sessions promptly. Pupils are not required to wear school uniform, however their attire must be suitable for a school environment- cropped tops etc are not permitted. Mobile phones will not be allowed during any sessions. Light refreshments will be provided.

    It is really important that pupils only access permitted areas, as we have building work and deep cleaning taking place during the holidays. The car park and pupil entrance at the back of school will be closed, so all pupils will need to access the building via the front reception via Victoria Avenue East and sign in. 

    No pupils will be allowed to leave the building in the middle of a session. Pupils are expected to stay until the end of the session and be polite and courteous at all times to all Academy staff and guests.

    Please see the frequently asked question section on the timetable for any further information. 

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr N Lane 

    Assistant Vice Principal


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  • Co-op Academy North Manchester’s Robotics Team ‘InCTRL’ Clinches First Place for Think Award

    Published 08/03/24

    The Robotics Team 'InCTRL' from Co-op Academy North Manchester celebrated a remarkable triumph by securing the prestigious Think Award during the FirstTech Challenge, held on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024.

    Their victory, achieved through ingenious solutions to design and build challenges with their robot, signifies a significant milestone for the team. Especially with the redesign, building and subsequent re-coding of the Robot’s arm to meet the strictly enforced regulations of the competition. Renowned for its stringent standards and intense competition, the event witnessed InCTRL's exceptional demonstration of innovation and problem-solving skills. Their meticulously crafted and programmed robot impressed judges and spectators alike with its performance.
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  • Exciting Writing Project Unveiled for Year 7 Pupils: First Story Unleashed!

    Published 06/03/24

    In a thrilling development, 30 Year 7 pupils have been selected to participate in a flagship writing initiative via a charity called First Story. This unique project, aimed at nurturing young talent and fostering a love for creative writing, promises to be an enriching experience for the chosen pupils.

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  • Parent Digest , Half Term Three

    Published 16/02/24

    As half term 3 comes to a close, we write with such pride in the many accomplishments of the last half term and to share with you some of the upcoming events that your children will be involved in.

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  • Year 11 Progress Evening

    Published 15/02/24

    The Year 11 Progress Evening take place on Thursday 29th February. Our Year 11 pupils sat their mocks after Christmas and we were delighted with the engagement and maturity shown by our pupils. We would now welcome the opportunity to discuss their performance and our plans for preparing them for the formal GCSEs, moving forward.

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  • Empowering pupils with Unifrog: A Comprehensive Career Guidance Platform

    Published 07/02/24

    As the Year 9 option evening approaches, Co-op Academy North Manchester is excited to highlight one of our invaluable resources for pupils' career planning: Unifrog. This innovative platform is an integral part of our commitment to providing excellent careers advice and guidance to all our pupils.

    Unifrog offers many tools and resources designed to empower pupils to make informed decisions about their future pathways. From exploring various career options to researching colleges, apprenticeships, and university courses, Unifrog provides a comprehensive suite of features to support pupils at every stage of their journey.

    Year 9 pupils have all been allocated a login for the Unifrog platform. One of the key advantages of Unifrog is its user-friendly interface, which allows pupils to easily navigate through different sections, such as career interests, skills assessment, and educational opportunities. Additionally, Unifrog offers personalised recommendations based on pupils' individual preferences and aspirations, helping them discover potential pathways they may not have considered otherwise.

    For parents and caregivers, Unifrog serves as a valuable resource to support your child in making their Level 2 qualification choices. By familiarising yourself with the platform, you can actively engage in discussions with your child about their career aspirations and help them explore the various options available to them.

    We encourage all parents and caregivers to take advantage of Unifrog and engage with their child in the career exploration process. Together, we can ensure that every pupil at Co-op Academy North Manchester is equipped with the knowledge and support they need to embark on a successful and fulfilling career path.

    For further information regarding the careers offer at Co-op academy North Manchester please visit our careers page.


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  • GCSE and BTEC Exams Timetable Summer 2024

    Published 07/02/24

    The summer GCSE/BTEC exam season begins on Thursday 2nd May 2024 and this is the start of a very critical time in a pupils' education and future. This information and the linked pages below are important, so please read them carefully.

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  • National Online Safety

    Published 06/02/24

    Today marks Safer Internet Day, reminding us to prioritise online well-being and cultivate a safer digital environment.

    We frequently discuss online safety with pupils, and as members of National Online Safety, we offer valuable resources for parents and carers of all ages.

    To access these resources, sign up for a free account here:, and select 'Parent/Carer' as your user type.

    There is a handy user guide here to get started -

    Download the free app: iOS or Android

    Stay informed and help us build a safer online community!

    Best regards,

    Mrs. Fiddler Vice Principal

    Personal Development and Inclusion

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  • Year 9 Options Event, Thursday 8th February

    Published 01/02/24

    The Year 9 Options Event takes place on Thursday 8th February 4-6.30pm. It is a really exciting opportunity for parents and carers to speak face-to-face with subject specialists about KS4 courses, career pathways and combinations of subjects to consider. We are very proud of our excellent careers advice and guidance for all year groups, particularly Year 9, and believe it is vitally important that we equip parents and carers with all the information they need to make an informed decision about the option courses for next year. 

    Staff will be wearing clearly labelled badges so that guests can see what they are able to speak about in detail and the local colleges will be available to offer valuable advice. With a wide variety of courses on offer at KS4 and new courses like the T qualifications and apprenticeships available post 16, please use this opportunity to find out all about everything on offer and possible career pathways. There will also be two information talks about the options process on the night, which parents and carers are encouraged to attend. One at 5pm and a second at 5.45pm. Please complete this form to confirm your attendance

    The Options process

    Pupils will shortly be receiving a copy of our Options booklet, which will also be available online. Please read the booklet carefully and use the discussions held with staff at our recent Progress Evening. The options booklet, options information at the event, and the online options subjects are on our website.

    Pupils will be having an assembly earlier in the week to outline the process to them. Following the options event, they will also attend some short assemblies on subjects that they have not yet experienced, e.g. Business. These are designed to give pupils a flavour of what each course entails and possible pathways of study post 16.

    Once discussions with pupils have taken place,  parents and carers can use the online option form, via Parentmail, to submit their child's choices. The form will be available on the website from Friday 9th February and all pupils need to choose seven option subjects in order of preference (1-7) on the form, one of which must be History or Geography, by the strict deadline of Thursday 29th February. From their preferences, we will then select four options for them to study. Consider very carefully the different types of courses available and how they are assessed. It is important to ensure that pupils are doing a balance of courses, i.e. not all Btecs, but a combination of GCSEs and Btecs. Staff will also be able to offer advice on the different course types and how they are assessed. 

    Places on some courses will be limited, so it is important that forms are submitted as soon as possible, having considered the subjects on offer carefully. Please be aware that it may not be possible to give pupils their first 4 options preferences, which is why we ask them to choose 7 preferences. For example: they may have options preferences 1, 2, 5 and 7 on their timetable next year. Some courses may not run if there are insufficient pupil numbers to make a group viable.

    Take note of the additional information box at the end of the form. This is a free text box in which you can add in any further information you think we need to be aware of. e.g. the pupil speaks fluent German and is interested in doing an additional GCSE in German in year 11.

    Some combinations of subjects may not be available due to the blocks that subjects will be timetabled in, but we will do our best to work with the child’s preferences. Please be careful when completing the form and don’t choose the same subject twice. Also, please remember that we have introduced some new courses this year that pupils haven’t studied previously in years 7-9 e.g. Sociology, Business etc, which are well worth considering, so read the information in the booklet carefully. Don’t complete the form online until pupils have listened to the subject assemblies if there is one subject they are particularly interested in, so that they can make an informed choice. 

    Finally, and most importantly, please ensure that pupils have selected either History or Geography as one of their preferences before the form is submitted. All of our pupils study either History and/or Geography at KS4. It is possible to study both History and Geography if your child particularly enjoys the humanities subjects. 

    Not selecting either History or Geography will necessitate us having to contact parents and carers and will delay the processing of the child’s preferences.

    Once we have received the completed options form, we will check the subject preferences and combinations and do our best to accommodate the child’s request. We will speak to parents and carers  if there is a problem with the combination, or we have any concerns about the subjects or types of courses chosen. There will be an opportunity to book an online appointment through SchoolCloud (the same process as used for our Parents’ Evening bookings) if you wish to discuss the pupil's option choices in more detail prior to submitting the form. These appointments will take place weeks commencing 12th and 26th February and the time slots available will be posted on the options page of the school website, so please check it regularly. Each appointment slot will be 5 minutes long, so please select a 5-minute slot as appropriate for your discussion.  Our SEND team will also be available to advise the parents of pupils who they work with throughout the process and will be making calls as appropriate.

    Option choices will be finalised by June and pupils will receive confirmation of their choices at this time.   

    If you have any queries or questions please email, and I will respond to you in due course. 

    Kind regards

    F Welsh, Vice Principal

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  • Pupils and staff start a conversation for Time to Talk Day

    Published 01/02/24

    On the 1st of February, pupils and staff gathered to observe Time to Talk Day, a collaborative effort by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness in partnership with Co-op. This event aims to foster open discussions surrounding mental health, working towards diminishing stigma and cultivating a supportive atmosphere. It presents a valuable occasion for individuals in friendships, families, communities, and workplaces to unite in conversations that positively impact well-being.

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  • Community Spirit Blooms in Inspiring Volunteering Event

    Published 31/01/24

    Community spirit was in full bloom as our community team, alongside pupil volunteers and the North Neighbourhood Team at Manchester City Council got together to plant over 2000 bulbs along Victoria Avenue East.

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  • Roadshow Team Inspires Academy Pupils with Interactive STEM Workshop

    Published 31/01/24

    The roadshow team brought a wave of excitement to the academy on Thursday, 25th January 2024 as they conducted an engaging STEM workshop, leaving pupils motivated and inspired.

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