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Co-op Academy North Manchester Behaviour Policy

Co-op Academy North Manchester

Positive Behaviour Policy

Policy details

Date created - October 2024

Date most recently reviewed  - 12th November 2024

Responsibility for review: L Watkins


Policy details        1

1. Policy Statement and Purpose        2

2. Rules and Ways of Being        2

3. Rights and Responsibilities        3

4. Developing Positive Behaviour        3

5. Recognition        3

6. Classroom Strategies and Expectations        3

7. Expectations Around the Academy        3

8. Expectations outside of School        4

9.  Consequences        4

10. Further Intervention and Support        4

11. Child on Child Abuse        4

14. Searching, Screening and Confiscation        6

  1. Policy Statement and Purpose

At Co-op Academy North Manchester we believe that good behaviour in school is central to a good education. Our behaviour policy is based upon an ethos that generates a positive environment for those who work and learn within it. Central to this ethos are the elements of choices, chances and consequences.

The Behaviour for Learning Policy aims to provide all pupils regardless of gender identity, religion, disability, belief, ethnicity, neurodiversity, and or sexuality, outstanding pastoral care.

At Co-op Academy North Manchester all of our pupils are expected to behave in a way that creates an environment where:

  • staff can teach to the highest standard
  • pupils can learn, thrive and achieve to their maximum potential
  • all members of the academy community can work in a safe place
  • staff, pupils, parents/carers, governors and visitors can enjoy and be proud of their association with Co-op Academy North Manchester
  • they make a positive contribution to the academy, the community and the wider world

The positive behaviour management of our young people is most effective when a true partnership exists between the academy and home. Together we can make Co-op Academy North Manchester extremely successful, an academy which we are all proud to belong to and an academy where visitors enjoy coming. Pupils who consistently uphold the academy rules and are role models for other pupils will be rewarded through the academy reward system.

The following behaviour policy applies to pupils within core academy hours, during pre and post academy activities on academy trips or visits, in transit to and from the academy and at any time where an issue within the community impacts on academy life. In the event that the academy has any safeguarding concerns regarding your child appropriate agencies will be informed and relevant information shared.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies (available on the Co-op Academy Trust website and the Co-op Academy North Manchester website):

Anti Bullying

Equality Statement and Objectives

Health and Safety

Positive Handling

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Special Educational Needs

Mental Health and Well-Being

Suspensions & Permanent Exclusion Policy

This policy is underpinned by the following legislation and guidance:

Behaviour in Schools - Advice for Headteachers and School Staff

School suspensions and Permanent Exclusions

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Education Act (2002), as amended by Education Act (2011)

Education and Inspections Act (2006)

School Discipline [Pupil Exclusions and Reviews] – England – Regulations (2012)

Equality Act (2010, revised 2018)

In addition to this guidance, Co-op Academies recognises that although schools serve local communities and therefore design their behaviour and culture around their context, there are fundamental principles behind great school culture. These have been laid out here in our Behaviour Principles - and underpin the spirit and content of this policy.

  1. Rules and Ways of Being

Co-op Academy North Manchester is underpinned by the values of the Co-op and all within the academy aspire to the Co-op Ways of Being:

Do What Matters Most

Be Yourself Always

Succeed Together

Show you Care

As an academy we also have our own values of respect, commitment and trust and our pupils are recognised for displaying these values. We believe that these values underpin our academy culture and align with our academy vision statement.


  • Ourselves, each other and the community


  • to strive to achieve our best, and to support others to achieve their best


  •  in ourselves and each other so that we can achieve our best

  1. Rights and Responsibilities

The Principal

The Principal is responsible for reviewing and approving this behaviour policy. The Principal will ensure that the school environment fosters positive behaviour and that staff effectively deal with any instances of poor behaviour to ensure that there is a calm and purposeful environment. In addition to this the Principal will monitor the implementation of the policy to ensure that rewards and sanctions are applied consistently.


All staff are responsible for:

  • implementing the behaviour policy fairly and consistently.
  • teaching and modelling expected behaviours inside and outside the classroom and challenging pupils to meet our high expectations for behaviour, attendance and punctuality
  • recording behaviour incidents objectively in a timely manner.
  • providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils.
  • reporting any safeguarding concerns the academy safeguarding team and recording on CPOMs


Parents are expected to

  • support their child in adhering to our Home/School Agreement
  • discuss any behavioural concerns with the pastoral / safeguarding team
  • inform the academy of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour
  • work in partnership with the academy to uphold the behaviour policy


All pupils will receive key expectations around our academy values, consequence system and pastoral offer through assemblies, personal development time. This is reinforced on a daily basis.

Pupils are expected to

  • follow the academy expectations at all times
  • demonstrate our academy and Co-op values and engage in the wider curriculum offer
  • support a positive climate for learning to allow themselves and other to succeed

Further information can be found in the home-academy agreement

  1. Developing Positive Behaviour

At Co-op Academy North Manchester, we expect positive behaviours that embody our values of respect, commitment and trust throughout all aspects of academy life.

Staff induction

All staff receive behaviour and attitudes CPD at the start of the academic year. In addition to this there are 6 pastoral CPD sessions scheduled into the training calendar and dedicated ECT sessions.

Pupil induction

Pupils are taught these behaviours as part of our personal development curriculum ensuring they understand the behaviours we encourage and those we prohibit. Our expectations are revisited throughout the year and form part of any mid term admission induction.

  1. Recognition

At Co-op Academy North Manchester, we believe that positive reinforcement of excellent attitudes to learning and rewarding success are essential tools for ensuring consistently positive behaviours in the academy. Praise should be used much more than consequences. Opportunities for praise should be actively sought by all staff, both teaching and associate, in order to ensure that positive messages and meaningful rewards are at the heart of our academy. These also reinforce our academy’s vision and values.

At Co-op Academy North Manchester all staff will maintain a consistent approach towards rewarding pupils. By praising pupils and recognising their achievements, others will be encouraged to act similarly. Positive achievement points will be given in all areas of the academy, both pastorally and through the curriculum, recognising a pupil’s attitude to learning and commitment to the academy visions and values.

Many rewards are given to pupils through positive logs on Arbor. Rewards are issued for displaying positive behaviours for learning, demonstrating the academy values of Respect, Commitment and Trust and display the Ways Of Being Co-op:

  • Succeed together
  • Be yourself, always
  • Do what matters most  
  • Show you care

We also reward attendance at extra-curricular activities, as well as showing a positive attitude to learning and making excellent progress in lessons. Great emphasis is placed on the completion of classwork and homework available for pupils completing work outside of the classroom to the best of their ability. All positive behaviours logged on Arbor. This system allows every pupil to be rewarded in every lesson and around the academy during social times and after school.

All adults can reward positive behaviours through:

  • Verbal recognition
  • Rewards assemblies
  • Pastoral postcards
  • Written praise in the marking of work
  • Positive achievement points logged on Arbor
  • Invitation to a 5-a-day breakfast with the senior leadership team
  • MUFC Foundation Awards
  • Pastoral awards (star of the week, attendance, most achievement points)
  • Year group team recognition (SLT and Pastoral Managers)
  • Invitation to awards events such as celebration evening, academic awards, sports awards evening
  • Certificates (0 behaviour points,  Bronze 50-100 achievement points, 100-299 Silver, 300-499 Gold, 500+ Platinum)
  • Rewards Trips/treats/vouchers  
  • Recognition for additional responsibilities e.g. prefect/leader
  • Positive texts, letters and phone calls home
  • Recognition in the staff bulletin/newsletter/on the website
  • Academy trips and visits
  • Displaying of work


  • Respect, commitment and Trust
  • Effort and Progress
  • Attainment
  • Behaviour
  • Attendance & Punctuality
  • Participation
  • Positive Attitude

See table in Appendix 2 for the full list.

6. Classroom Strategies and Expectations

Staff will:

  • meet and greet pupils at the door to their classroom at the start of all lessons in a positive manner.
  • whilst meeting and greeting pupils for their lesson, support the school culture by ensuring that pupils are transitioning between lessons quickly and quietly.
  • have well-thought-out seating plans in place that consider vulnerable groups, academic challenge and interpersonal relationships that may affect the academic classroom ethos.
  • use the chance, choice, consequence and C system fairly

Pupils will:

  • be on time to lessons
  • enter the classroom in a calm manner
  • complete their Do It Now task
  • follow the instructions at the first time of asking
  • sit in the designated seating plan

Where a pupil is unable to sustain positive attitudes to learning during lessons the class teacher will use the following consequences system. See appendix 3 for flow chart.

  • C1 Chance
  • C2 Choice
  • C3 Consequence
  • C4 Consequence (removal from lesson)

If a teacher feels that a pupil is not behaving in an acceptable manner they will issue a C1. This is the first chance to modify their behaviour.  

If the pupil chooses to ignore this chance, then a C2 will be issued. The pupil now has a choice to make, either continue to misbehave or to make the correct choice and modify their behaviour with the support of the teacher.

If the pupil doesn’t make the right choice and continues to misbehave they will be issued with a C3 consequence. This will result in a 55 minute detention after school.

Should the pupil continue to misbehave and disrupt the learning then the teacher will log a C4 and the pastoral team will remove them from the lesson and place them in the C4 room for the remainder of the lesson.

If a pupil fails to bring their PE kit on two occasions they will be issued with a C3 consequence and will be expected to borrow a kit and take part in the lesson.

If a pupil fails to bring their kit and refuses to borrow they will be issued with an immediate C4 and will be escorted to the C4 room.

When using the consequence system it is important to enable the pupil to make a positive response and change their behaviour. The system will be fairly applied and there will be opportunities for pupils to modify their behaviour.

When a pupil reaches a C3 they will be issued with a 55 minute detention the following evening, this will be recorded by their class teacher and a notification will be sent home to inform parents.

If the pupil continues to make the wrong choices following a C3 consequence, a C4 consequence will be logged by their class teacher to refer them to the C4 room. A member of the pastoral team on the LIVE feed will come and remove the pupil from the lesson and place them in the C4 room for the remainder of the lesson. Pupils should remain in their lesson until a member of the pastoral team comes to collect.  Pupils must not be sent to the C4 room by themselves and must be escorted by the pastoral team.

Staff will indicate which stage of the behaviour system the pupil is at and provide opportunities to modify their behaviour so that they can make the correct choices.

If a pupil displays behaviour that is unsafe including verbal abuse or threatening behaviours then a C3 or C4 consequence can be issued immediately.

C3 and C4 consequences are triaged throughout the day by the pastoral team and decisions will be made with regards to the next steps:

  • No further action
  • Remote learning
  • Suspension

7. Expectations Around the Academy

At Co-op Academy North Manchester we expect our pupils to adhere to the following expectations when moving around the academy to ensure that there is a calm and purposeful environment at all times:


At Co-op Academy North Manchester our high expectations are reflected in our uniform. Pupils are expected to wear their full academy uniform with pride at all times, this includes arriving and leaving the academy each day.

Our pastoral meet and greet ensures that pupils are welcomed into the academy each morning, and allows pastoral teams to correct any uniform issues before the start of the day. All pupils are expected to borrow items of uniform. Uniform items will be provided in exchange for a personal item.

We expect all pupils to remove their outerwear when entering the building and this must remain off and away during lesson time and transitions.

Failure to borrow the item will result in the pupil being placed in remote learning and they will receive a phone call home.

All pupils are expected to wear the following uniform:

  • Co-op Academy North Manchester Blazer
  • Black trousers or skirt
  • Co-op Academy North Manchester Tie - The tie stripe must link to their year group
  • Plain black leather or faux leather school shoes (no sports branding)
  • Plain White shirt/blouse
  • Black socks/Tie

Optional items

  • Plain black jumper

PE Kit

  • Co-op Academy North Manchester PE T Shirt
  • Co-op Academy North Manchester Shorts
  • Royal blue Football Socks
  • Plain black sports socks
  • Sports trainers

Optional PE items

  • Co-op Academy North Manchester tracksuit
  • Plain black sport leggings (no branding)
  • Split sole Jazz shoe (KS3 Dance lessons only)

Prohibited items

  • Jewellery
  • Body Piercings (earrings and facial piercings)
  • Hoodies
  • Caps/Hats
  • headphones/earbuds

Academy staff will confiscate prohibited items and they will be returned at the academy day.

Corridor expectations

Pupils are expected to behave in a safe and respectful way on corridors. This includes walking sensibly and acting appropriately at all times. Pupils must follow the one way system around the building, this includes using the correct staircases and following the signage.

Lunch / break time arrangements and expectations

At Co-op Academy North Manchester we allow our pupils to take part in a variety of activities during social times. There are designated areas assigned to each year group. Pupils are asked to remain in their area unless they are attending an organised activity for example an extra curricular club or revision session. Pupils are expected to act responsibly and respectfully during these times, ensuring that their spaces are kept clean and tidy.

Mobile phones

Mobile devices often cause distraction, risk pupil privacy and can lead to online-bullying. In school, mobile phones can have a negative impact on learning and hinder face-to-face interactions among peers. Our aim is to foster a culture of meaningful engagement and personal connection within the academy.

We are also mindful of the potential negative impact social media including Instagram and Facebook and messaging applications including WhatsApp and SnapChat can have on the mental health of young people.

Year 7 & 8

Pupils  are expected to hand in their mobile phone every morning during registration. Phones will be stored safely throughout the day and will be returned to pupils during period 5.

Year 9-11

Pupils are expected to switch off and place their mobile phone away upon entering the academy. Mobile phones should not be seen or heard.

Any pupil in breach of the above rules will have their mobile phone confiscated and a C3 mobile phone detention will be logged on Arbor. If this becomes a persistent problem then pupils will be expected to hand in their mobile phone upon entering the academy.

Entry to School

The academy opens at 8.00am for all pupils. Pupils should enter the academy through the pupil entrance. The Pastoral team will ‘meet and greet’ and ‘stop and sort’ to ensure that pupils are ready and prepared for the academy day, this includes uniform and wellbeing checks. All pupils are expected to arrive at the academy in full uniform, school shoes and without any jewellery. Pupils who arrive without items of uniform will be given items to borrow. Jewellery will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day. If jewellery continues to be worn then it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the half term.

Entry to Lessons

Pupils are expected to be punctual to all lessons and enter the classroom in a calm and ready to learn manner. All staff will meet and greet pupils every lesson and will expect pupils to get on with the ‘Do It Now’ task and sit in the assigned seating plan.

Pupils must be in lessons no later than 5 minutes after the start of the lesson. After 5 minutes pupils will be issued with a C3 late to lesson detention.

Should a pupil not arrive to lesson after 10 minutes but are in the academy then the class teacher will mark them as C4 truancy.


Pupils are expected to be in personal development time by 8.35am. If a pupil arrives between 8.35am and 9am they will receive a L code and will be issued with a 30 minute detention after school on the same evening. A notification will be sent to parents / carers to inform them of their child's detention.

If a pupil arrives after 9am they will be given a U code and will be issued with a 55 minute detention the following day. If a pupil is marked as a U code then they will not get full attendance marks for that day.

Food and drink

All unhealthy drinks and snacks are prohibited at Co-op Academy North Manchester. Where pupils are found to be in possession of fizzy and/or high sugar energy drinks and snacks these will be confiscated and not returned. If a pupil is found selling food/drink then the items will be confiscated and not returned. Parents/carers will be notified and a sanction issued.

Chewing gum is not allowed at the academy.

8. Expectations outside of School

When wearing our uniform, and as a member of our academy, pupils are an ambassador for Co-op Academy North Manchester and expect pupils to display our vision and values. We expect all of our pupils to be respectful when out in the community. This includes trips and visits and walking to and from the academy.

Sanctions may be applied where a pupil has misbehaved off site when representing the academy or following reports from members of the public. We expect all our pupils to

  • walk on the pavements not the middle of the road
  • be aware of other pedestrians and respectful of the neighbourhood
  • walk in small groups so as not to block pathways, alleys or walkways
  • be careful crossing roads, use crossings and not looking at mobile phones
  • use respectful language
  • refrain from fighting, aggression or abusive language or behaviour
  • be respectful in shops - go in in small groups and be polite to shopkeepers
  • refrain from smoking or vaping
  • talk positively and be positive about the academy and the Co-op
  • continue to live by our Ways of Being

9.  Consequences

Although Co-op Academy North Manchester does everything they can to mitigate the need for consequences and sanctions, we know that pupils do make mistakes. If a pupil’s conduct falls below the expectations laid out in this policy (including expectations inside and outside school) the following consequences would apply:


Detentions take place at the end of the academy day from 3.05pm to 4pm. All detentions take place in the canteen and are managed by the pastoral team.

A 55 minute detention is issued for the following sanctions

  • C3 consequence
  • C3 mobile phone
  • C3 PE kit
  • C3 late to lesson
  • C3 out of bounds
  • C4 removal
  • C4 truancy


  • 2 x C4 consequences in a day
  • 3 x C3 consequences in a day

If a pupil receives 3 x C3 consequences or 2 x C4 consequences in a day they will trigger our escalation system and alert the pastoral team to collect them. Upon triggering the escalation pupils will be placed in remote learning where they will remain for 5 periods. This may mean that some of these periods are the following day should they hit the trigger period 4 or 5.

C5 detention

A C5 SLT detention will be issued if a pupil receives two C4 removals in a week from classroom entries on Arbor or is recorded twice for truanting a lesson. The C5 detention will take place in remote learning on a Friday after school for 90 minutes.

Should a pupil fail to attend the C5 detention they will be placed in remote learning and will serve the missed detention for 55 minutes.

Parents will receive an Arbor notification to inform them of their child's detention and pastoral teams may remind them on the day.

Remote Learning

Pupils are placed in our remote learning for the following reasons:

  • Failing to attend detention
  • Behaviour escalations
  • Returning from suspension
  • Serious incidents
  • Bullying

Remote learning procedures

  • Pupils are collected for their day in remote learning during personal development time and they begin their lessons in remote learning at 9am.  They finish at 4pm. However, if pupils display negative behaviour whilst completing remote learning they will repeat a full day the following day or in some cases will receive a suspension.
  • Pupils are expected to wear full academy uniform and in an event that they are wearing trainers they will be provided with replacement footwear.
  • There is an expectation that pupils will complete work that they are missing that day as a result of being placed in remote learning. Work will be set on Google Classroom for pupils to complete.  Pupils will also complete personal development work related to the reason for them being in the remote learning room
  • Coats and bags are stored away. Headsets & mobile phones must be handed in to Pastoral Teams and locked away for safekeeping prior to pupils being placed in remote learning. These will be returned to the pupil at the end of the detention at 4pm. If a pupil refuses to hand in any of these items parents will be contacted and failure to subsequently cooperate with the rules and expectations will lead to suspension.
  • Pupils will eat their lunch in the remote learning room.
  • Pupils must not talk to other pupils within the remote learning room unless the remote learning supervisor is delivering intervention activities.
  • Pupils will not be permitted to eat or drink other than at allocated times except for the consumption of water. Packed lunches must contain foods that comply with the Healthy Schools Agenda. Food/drink items that are not deemed suitable will be confiscated by staff.
  • Pupils who refuse to be placed in remote learning will receive a suspension for failure to follow the academy expectations.
  • If a suspension has been issued a parental meeting will be arranged to discuss the incident. Following the meeting the pupil will serve a day in remote learning followed by a 55 minute detention.
  • Pupils who have been placed in remote learning as a failure to attend a detention will attend a 55 minute detention directly after until 4pm.
  • Pupils who may have additional needs will be supported, as appropriate, adjustments will be made by the SENDCo and/or the year team to accommodate their needs.
  • For some pupils remote learning will be completed with the SEND team however, the rules regarding lunch and after school detentions will apply.

If pupils show a positive attitude to learning and are committed to our academy visions and values they will never be issued with a C3 or a C4. Pupils will always have a chance to think about what they have done and change any negative behaviours.

Please remember the academy aims to keep suspensions and times in remote learning to a minimum and to continue to use all sources of information which are available to us to help us to meet the needs of a child.

Sanctions, detentions and suspensions are consequences for poor behaviour. These are in place to allow us to manage behaviour effectively and to promote a positive environment for learning.

These procedures promote our drive to raise attendance and inclusion whilst creating the perfect platform for pupils to learn and teachers to teach. Please be aware that the educational environment is ever changing and modifications may be made to these procedures at any time.

Step Out Placements and Off Site Direction

In agreement with other local secondary schools in Manchester & other local authorities, pupils may be placed on a behaviour placement at other establishments in line with the academy intervention strategy. This is a form of intervention we employ in response to a pupil’s persistent disruptive behaviour or a serious breach of the behaviour policy.

A Step Out or Off Site Direction will enable the pupil to have a fresh start in a new school. It can also be a strategy in response to persistent breaches of the school's behaviour policy and where allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.

The host school will provide appropriate work although Co-op Academy North Manchester may provide work packs for pupils on short respite placements. However, for a Off Site Direction, the pupil will follow the curriculum of the host school and this will be explained to the pupil and their parents.

Pupils will adhere to the host school’s behaviour procedures and arrive and leave at the host school times. It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to arrange appropriate transportation to and from the host school. Pupils will be expected to attend in full school uniform. If this is a Step Out placement, this will be our academy uniform, but for a Off Site Direction, the uniform will be that of the host school, this will be provided during the pre admit meeting.

The pupil and parent will be present in a pre-admit meeting and regular reviews will take place at the host school with a member of the Co-op Academy North Manchester pastoral team present, along with the staff from the host school. Placements can be terminated at any time if the behaviour agreement is contravened by the pupil. Next steps, such as alternative provision may be explored at this time.

Alternative Provision

A small number of pupils at KS3 and KS4 are offered a variety of alternative curriculum provisions as a way of supporting their wider development and equipping them with the necessary skills and experience for the world of work and for all Post-16 Pathways.

Important acknowledgements underpinning this policy are:

  • That the academy recognises the need to personalise the curriculum for some pupils
  • That a minority of pupils at KS3 struggle to meet the academic and social demands of mainstream education expectations;
  • That a minority of pupils struggle to meet the academic demands of their core GCSE subjects or the social demands and mainstream education expectations;
  • These pupils may be damaged by their experiences in subject areas that they cannot access, or may negatively impact on the learning of their peers;
  • These pupils need additional provision to enhance their experiences and qualifications at the end of KS3 and KS4;
  • These pupils need to develop skills and experience of the world of work to reduce the chances of them being NEET post-16.

It is also noted that some pupils at KS3 and KS4 need medical support which must be a specialist provided, such as at The Hospital School;

The academy uses a range of providers for alternative education as well as having its own provisions on site called Pathways Centres.

In addition, where pupils are unable to access one of the settings and are confined to home (e.g. accident, severe illness, bail orders etc.) the academy may explore the option of using an approved on-line learning package called EdLounge/EdClass and our own Google Classroom package.  EdClass is an accredited provider that provides supervised learning for pupils.  Where pupils are registered with EdClass they provide the supervisory role with their teaching staff providing on-line monitoring, guidance and tuition.  In addition to this academy staff will have undertaken a visit to assess the suitability and safeguarding arrangements for that pupil and continue to carry out home visits as per our safeguarding procedures. This provision can only be authorised by the Principal.

10. Further Intervention and Support

Co-op Academy North Manchester adopts a range of initial intervention strategies to help pupils manage their behaviour and to reduce the likelihood of suspension and permanent exclusion. This is achieved by helping pupils understand behavioural expectations and by providing support for pupils who struggle to meet those expectations.

Some pupils will need more support than others and this is provided as proactively as possible. It will often be necessary to deliver this support outside of the classroom, in small groups, or in one-to-one activities. The academy monitors whole school behaviour data weekly to ensure relevant members of the leadership and pastoral teams are aware of any pupil who is persistently misbehaving, whose behaviour is not improving following low-level sanctions, or whose behaviour reflects a sudden change from previous patterns of behaviour. The inclusion board team meets weekly to discuss individual pupils to ensure that the appropriate measures are put in place to support their attitudes to learning.

Some examples of assessments / interventions we can consider include:

  • Frequent and open engagement with parents
  • Short-term behaviour report cards or longer-term behaviour plans such as a PSP.
  • Engaging with external agencies and partners such as the Mental Health Support Team and the School Counsellor to address specific challenges such as poor anger management, a lack of resilience and difficulties with peer relationships and social skills.
  • Assessment to address underlying factors that may be because of an undiagnosed SEND need
  • Ongoing concerns may also require the school to complete an Early Help Assessment
  • Speech and language assessments
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) screening by an educational psychologist
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Physical and Sensory

Personalised approach to pupils with additional needs and/or SEND

Co-op Academy North Manchester recognises that at certain stages in a pupils or young person’s school life they may struggle to access, or manage within, the universal provision offered by the school as a result of:

  • Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Needs (SEMH)
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
  • Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Staff are trained to support pupils with SEMH, SEND or suffer from ACEs.

Academy staff are trained to support pupils with SEMH, SEND or suffer from ACEs. Staff work alongside the SEND team to ensure that pupils are able to access all aspects of academy life, where pupils find this difficult other measures may be put in place:

  • A hub pass to support self regulation
  • Pupil Passports to further support teaching and learning and the use of the behaviour policy
  • Adjusting seating to allow pupils with visual or hearing impairment to sit in sight of the teacher
  • Our Pathways provision

11. Child on Child Abuse

Co-op Academy North Manchester is committed to ensuring a climate of safety for all pupils by challenging inappropriate behaviour between peers. We have a zero tolerance approach of all forms of child on child abuse including (but not limited to):

  • Bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying)
  • Abuse in intimate personal relationships between peers
  • Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual violence, such as rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual harassment, such as sexual comments, remarks, jokes and online sexual harassment, which may be standalone or part of a broader pattern of abuse
  • Causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party
  • Consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi nude images and / or videos (also known as sexting or youth produced sexual imagery)
  • Upskirting, which typically involves taking a picture under a person’s clothing without their permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm
  • Initiation / hazing type violence and rituals (this could include activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group and may also include an online element

Where there are any reports of child on child abuse, including sexual violence and sexual harassment,  we will follow the guidance set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education. The Academy maintains a zero tolerance approach to all forms of child on child abuse and always maintain the attitude ‘it could happen here’. We will always take any reports or disclosures seriously. Any sanctions for child on child abuse will be proportionate, considered, supportive and will be decided on a case by case basis. Sanctions could include managing the incident internally, referring to early help, referring to children’s social care or reporting the incident to the police. Serious incidents could result in permanent exclusion. The Academy will not tolerate behaviour of this nature, whilst also not demonising anyone – we will support and listen to all of the pupils involved. The alleged perpetrator(s) will be offered support so that they can change their behaviour.

For more information on how we deal with child on child abuse please see:

Co-op Academy North Manchester Anti Bullying Policy.

Co-op Academy North Manchester Child Protection Policy.

Keeping Children Safe in Education

12. Suspensions

If a pupil is involved in extreme poor behaviour, the pupil will be suspended from school. Each suspension must be judged on the specific context of the particular event - thus the length of the suspension will reflect this. Suspension can be considered for behaviour outside of school. The decision to suspend a pupil is taken by the Principal and is always carefully considered. When a pupil is suspended they will be expected to work at home with work provided by the school.

The following list includes some examples, although not exhaustive, of unacceptable behaviour warranting suspension from the Academy:

  • Carrying or using an offensive weapon
  • Any assault against a member of staff or pupil
  • A deliberate assault on another pupil
  • Vaping
  • Fighting
  • Damage to property
  • Sexual assault
  • Racial, transphobic or homophobic abuse
  • Verbal or physical abuse / persistent bullying
  • Verbal threatening and intimidation of staff or pupil
  • Bullying committed via social networking media / electronic means
  • Deliberately setting off the fire alarm
  • Filming a fight or incident and posting on social media
  • Fabricating stories about members of staff including on social media
  • A pupil who is suspected of being under the influence of an illegal substance / drugs
  • Possession of illegal drugs or related paraphernalia by an individual
  • Smoking or Vaping
  • Persistent refusal to comply with expectations

Every pupil who returns from suspension will need to be reintegrated back into the Academy very carefully. A meeting with parents / carers will always take place to agree the reintegration plan and the level of support that the pupil will require to avoid further suspension. If appropriate, the pastoral team will also discuss and support the family with wider issues and circumstances that may be affecting the child’s behaviour and include it in the integration plan. All pupils returning from suspension will be placed in remote learning upon their return.

13. Permanent Exclusion

Permanent exclusion is a last resort. A Headteacher may decide to permanently exclude a pupil for persistent disruptive behaviour, where despite the school's best effort, a pupil insists on breaching the school's behaviour policy. A permanent exclusion could also be the consequence for a first 'one off' offence, based on the severity of the behaviour. One off offences may include:

  • Serious actual or threatened violence against another pupil or member of staff (including online threats or abuse)
  • Assault on a pupil or member of staff
  • Sexual abuse or assault
  • Supplying or using an illegal drug
  • Carrying an offensive weapon (including any article made or adapted for causing injury)
  • Serious one off incidents including ‘Hate’ incidents / crime or bullying
  • Persistent bullying

 Further information on permanent exclusions can be found in the Trust’s Exclusion policy.

14. Searching, Screening and Confiscation

The Headteacher has statutory power to search pupils and possessions if there are reasonable grounds to suspect pupils have prohibited items. Searches may also be carried out by members of staff and contractors authorised by the Headteacher. All authorised staff will be up to date with screening and searching procedures as laid out in government guidance. When conducting searches, the Headteacher will consider the age and ability of pupils and make reasonable adjustments where necessary. Where possible searches will be conducted with the pupil present and away from other pupils (unless there is reason to believe that significant harm could happen if we wait). Where necessary the use of metal detector wands may be used to support staff in conducting searches.

The school can search a pupil for any item with their consent and in their presence (e.g. turning out pockets / looking in bags). Staff have the power to search (without consent) if they have reason to believe a pupil possesses any of the following items:

  • knives and weapons
  • alcohol
  • illegal drugs
  • stolen items
  • Vaping/vaping products
  • tobacco and cigarette papers
  • cigarettes
  • e-cigarettes
  • lighters and matches
  • fireworks
  • pornographic images
  • any article that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence , cause personal injury or damage to property
  • replica weapons
  • energy drinks

Wherever possible, searches will be carried out by two authorised members of staff, or contractor by staff members of the same gender as the pupil, and with the pupil present as a witness. Searches that require physical contact or use of force will always be a last resort. Where the risk is considered significant, they will be conducted by a trained member of staff of the same sex as the pupil, or, if possible, and preferably, by a family member. If this is not possible (due to urgency of the situation) searches will be conducted by a permanent member of staff, with the appropriate training, of the same sex and an appropriate adult (of the same sex). In all cases, only outer clothing will be searched (pockets, bags, shoes etc). No member of the school community will conduct a search that reveals a pupil’s underwear or skin (beyond shirt sleeves).  

Metal detector wands may be used where there is a suspicion that pupils may have an item that wouldn’t be discovered on non-contact search. They may also be used routinely as part of individual risk assessments.  When a wand is used, parents will be contacted to inform them.  Only staff who have received the safe search training will be able to conduct searches using the metal detector wands.  

Staff will confiscate and retain a pupil’s property if it is a banned item or any item being used to cause harm to self or others, damage to property, or disruption to the maintaining of a purposeful learning environment. For any confiscated item that is not deemed to be dangerous or potentially / known to be illegal, the confiscating staff member is required to make a proportionate and fair decision about what happens next with the item, for example:

  • returning the item to the pupil at the end of that lesson
  • returning the item to the pupil at the end of that day
  • escalating the issue to a member of the year team / senior leadership team
  • discussing with the pupil’s family about how best to return or dispose of the item

Retention of, damage to or disposal of a pupil’s personal property should not be used as a sanction and confiscation, including how the confiscation is followed up, should only be used to ensure the maintenance of a safe and purposeful learning environment.

Pupils may also be routinely searched as a part of an individual pupils risk assessment.


  • If a pupil refuses to be screened, the school may refuse to have the pupil on the premises. Health and safety legislation requires a school to be managed in a way which does not expose pupils or staff to risks to their health and safety and this would include making reasonable rules as a condition of admittance.
  • If a pupil fails to comply, and the school does not let the pupil in, the pupil’s absence will be treated as unauthorised. The pupil should comply with the rules and attend.

Power to use reasonable force  

Members of staff have the power to use reasonable force to prevent pupils committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom. Headteachers and authorised school staff may also use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances when conducting a search without consent for knives or weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs, vapes, stolen items, tobacco and cigarette papers, fireworks, pornographic images or articles that have been or could be used to commit an offence or cause harm.

The academy follows all DfE guidance for searching, screening and confiscation which can be found here:

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Please also see the Co-op Academies Trust Positive Handling Policy for the process of searching and screening and use of reasonable force (available on the school website).

Appendix 1 Co-op Academy North Manchester consequence tariff.


Tariff on Arbor


Restrictive Positive Intervention

Level 0 Neutral

0 points

Incorrect Uniform

Level 0 Neutral

0 points

Lack of Equipment

Level 0 Neutral

0 points

Do What Matters Most - Attending revision session

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

Do What Matters Most - Volunteering and Leadership

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

Succeed Together - Helping Others

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

Succeed Together - Teamwork

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

Show You Care - School Environment

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

5-a-day Participation

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

Extra Curricular Participation

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

Excellent Attitude to Learning

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

Excellent Homework

Level 1 Positive

1 positive point

Weekly uniform, planner and equipment

Level 2 Positive

5 positive points

C3 Consequence

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

C3 Banned Items

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

C3 Mobile Phone

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

C3 Out of Bounds

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

C3 PE kit

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

C3 Late to Lesson

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

Late to School (L code)

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

Late to School (U code)

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

C4 Consequence

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point

C4 Truancy

Level 2 Negative

1 negative point


Level 4 Negative

2 negative point

Failed to attend L code detention

Level 4 Negative

2x C4 consequence / truancy (escalation)

Level 5 Negative

Failed to attend detention

Level 5 Negative

Appendix 2 Co-op Academy North Manchester Rewards


The list provides an overview of some of the rewards our pupils receive, this list is not exhaustive with other rewards / events taking place throughout the year.





Achievement points


Arbor push notification to parent/guardian


Pupil of the week


HOY / FT postcard in assembly

Pastoral Team

Weekly Top 20


Arbor notification

Staff notes


Climate walk recognition


Well done postcard

Pastoral team

Between 50 -100 achievement points

Half termly

Bronze certificate

Pastoral team

Between 100 - 299 achievement points

Half termly

Silver certificate

Pastoral team

Between 300 - 499 achievement points

Half termly

Gold certificate

Pastoral team

Between 500 plus achievement points

Half termly

Platinum certificate

Pastoral team

Subject recognition award

Half termly

Half termly certificates


0 behaviour points

Half termly

Half termly certificates and prize draw

Rewards sessions

Pastoral teams

Extra curricular attendance

25/50/75/100 attendances



Specific Criteria bronze, sliver, gold, platinum

Teaching staff / AVP


Thank you cards following events e.g. progress evenings termly leadership roles


Weekly leaderboard

Half termly

HOY assembly recognition

Winning form

Attendance/pastoral team

Rewards sessions / assemblies / trips

Half termly

Set criteria - beh/att/punc


Ways of being


Certificate and Trophy

Academy staff nominations

Appendix 3 Co-op Academy North Manchester Consequence System

Appendix 4 Co-op Academy North Manchester - Behaviour Intervention Stages

Graduated Response to managing behaviour


Potential threshold indicators

Potential academy interventions

Potential interventions

Stage 0

Intermittent low level disruption / off task behaviour

Classroom behaviour management strategies

Use of de-escalation strategies alongside the C1/C2

Form tutor to discuss behaviour logs

Arbor notification

SALT assessment

Boxall Profile undertaken and interventions shared

SEND referral

Pupil discussed at Inclusion board

MUFC mentoring

Pastoral Support Plan

Report card

Mentoring programme MUFC

Step Out Placement

Behaviour Contract

Review of PSP

Risk assessment

Off Site Direction

Governor Panel meeting

Stage 1

More persistent low level disruption, reaching 5 C3/C4 incidents

All stage 0 plus:

Form tutor report (letter sent home)

Daily check ins with form tutor

Weekly call from form tutor

Check ins with pastoral team

Stage 2

Persistent disruption not improving 10 C3/C4 incidents

Suspensions 1-5 days

All Stage 0 and 1 plus:

Parental meeting with HOY

HOY report

Weekly call from HOY

Behaviour data shared with parent/guardian

Daily check ins with pastoral team

Explore referrals to internal interventions (IB marksheets)

Stage 3

High tariff incidents - regular disruption

Multiple times in remote learning

Daily escalations

Suspensions 5 - 10 days

All stage 0 to 2 plus:

SLT report

Weekly call from SLT link

Parental meeting with SLT link

Daily check ins with SLT link

Check ins from pastoral team during Climate walks and LIVE feed

Referrals to internal interventions (IB marksheet)

Discussed at inclusion board

Stage 4

Multiple times in remote learning, Regular suspensions, persistent disruption

Internal truancy

Suspensions 10-15 days

All stages 0-3 plus:

Parental meeting with AVP behaviour and attitudes

On report to AVP behaviour and Attitudes

Inclusion Board interventions

Daily check in with AVP behaviour and attitudes

Pastoral support plan put in place

Pastoral teams to update Inclusion board marksheets and prepare chronologies for suspension panel

Full range of interventions available

Stage 5

Sustained periods of suspensions and persistent disruption, regular internal truancy.

Step out placement to be organised

Pastoral support plan reviewed

Behaviour contract put in place

Discussed at inclusion board

Updated Inclusion board marksheets and Chronologies prepared

Stage 6

Sustained periods of suspensions and persistent disruption, regular internal truancy.

Suspensions 15 -20 days

Parental meeting with VP Pastoral

On report to the VPPastoral

Twice weekly phone call home from the VP

Twice daily check ins to monitor behaviour

Off Site Direction placement agreed

15 day panel meeting