Co-op Academy North Manchester Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives 2024-25
Co-op North Manchester Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives 2024-25
Trust Objectives
Objective 1: to embed equality, diversity and inclusion into the curriculum and teaching & learning practices Details: The Trust and its academies will work towards a curriculum and teaching & learning practices which:
● are inclusive - all pupils and staff are welcomed and valued
● show respect for and appreciation of one another as individuals
● prepare pupils for life in a diverse society by encouraging respect for linguistic, cultural and religious diversity that exists in local communities and the wider world
● develop personal and cultural identity in all pupils
● widen educational and personal horizons of all pupils if limited by factors that compromise equality
● are proactive in tackling discrimination
● promote benefits of diversity
We will work with our sponsor, the Co-op, to develop a new curriculum on anti-racism so that the next generation knows what it means to be anti-racist
Objective 2: to embed equality, diversity and inclusion into the wider organisation Details: The Trust and its academies will work towards this objective by:
● each academy monitoring and analysing pupil achievement and progress by ethnicity, gender and disability, and acting on any trends or patterns in this data which identify the need for additional support for pupils with the aim of narrowing the gap for equality groups. Our equality objectives 3
● each academy publishing a statement setting out the actions they intend taking to advance equality, diversity & inclusion during the forthcoming academic year (or from their date of joining the Trust).
A report will be provided by the Headteacher / Principal, on request annually, to enable Trust-wide reporting.
Objective 1 Attainment and Curriculum
(Measured by externally validated results and internal academy tracking data - Fay Welsh, Nick Lane & Sandy Fiddler
- Disadvantaged pupils to achieve in line with their non-disadvantaged peers in all subjects
- To analyse achievement data by all key student groupings in order to identify and address any issues of under-achievement at student group level.
- Track destination data to ensure all students are equally successful in accessing further education / apprentice / training or employment.
- The reading curriculum is equally successful in ensuring pupils from all backgrounds read with increased fluency and comprehension
- Implement a decolonisation of the curriculum
- PP P8 only -0.33 in 2023. PP outcomes show strong progress and the gap between PP and non PP narrowed significantly. 3 yr improving trend for PP pupils
- Cohorts analysed and robust racing systems meant QFT alongside intervention groups supported groups of and individual pupils
- NEET amd destination figures shoe the academy is equally successful in ensuring that all pupils, both PP and non, remain in education, employment and training
- Reading intervention data supports increased fluency, comprehension and improved reading ages - separate reports
- Audit booked and action plan in place to implement ant-racism structures with Leeds Beckett
Objective 2 Attendance
(Measured by DFE Census return, external validated data and internal academy data) - Lauren Kelly
- To track student attendance by all key student groups and put specific plans in place to address any emerging trends.
- Pupils’ attendance will be in line or above national average for all groups including SEND and disadvantaged
- To track those in PA or at risk of becoming PA by all key student groups and to take positive action to avoid any and all instances of this, regarding student characteristics.
- Develop the Inclusion board to address low levels of literacy, numeracy, confidence to enable all to engage with the curriculum and attend school regularly.
Objective 3 Personal Development
(Measured by Edurio, comparative data of racist, sexist, bullying or homophobic incidents etc) - Sandy Fiddler, Leanne Watkins and Lauren Kelly
- To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through the teaching of academy assemblies, educational visits, external speakers and extra-curricular provision with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity - measured by:
- No of external speakers across the academy year
- Extra Curricular registers and analysis of each year group per term - inc PP and SEND
- Implement a personal development form time curriculum and staff CPD to support key conversation and teachings
- Increase the capture of bullying, sexist and homophobic incidents - this may create a reporting rise
- Reduction in bullying, sexist / homophobic incidents so that bullying is rare - review the methods of reporting incidents and recording actions and impact so we can be sure all incidents are recorded and dealt with effectively.
- To develop staff confidence in engaging with LGBTQ and racism agendas so that they are well placed to hold, discuss and understand viewpoints. Staff surveys capture increased confidence and a new PD lead has been appointed to run Personal Development time and provide resources for staff and run CPD sessions for all staff to increase confidence.
- Each curriculum is designed so that all pupils can see themselves represented positively and all can access all curricula equally - teaching and learning strategies ensure all pupils reach the same outcomes but are supported in different ways - see anti racist curriculum plan