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Co-op Academy North Manchester Accessibility plan

Co-op Academy North Manchester

Accessibility Plan [2022 -2026]

Introductory statement

This Accessibility Plan has been drawn up in consultation with the academy and covers the period from October 2022- October 2026. The plan is available in large print or other accessible format if required.

The plan takes account of the academy's public sector equality duty set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010.

We are committed to providing an environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their educational, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs. We are further committed to promoting inclusive approaches to disability and accessibility and to developing a culture of awareness, tolerance and inclusion.


The academy's layout and facilities

The academy is committed to our legal responsibility to make reasonable adjustments to allow pupils with physical disabilities full access to educational provision. The academy occupies a three storey building erected in 2012, with separate new build single storey sports facility. Fully accessible toilets are available on all floors. The academy has a fully equipped hygiene suite. The upper floors house a cinema, theatre and dance studio which are all fully accessible to pupils with physical disabilities. The building is equipped with integrated adaptable furniture. A large indoor and outdoor reception provision is located centrally on the ground floor. The first, second and third floors are accessed by six sets of stairs at either end of the building or two fully accessible lifts. All sets of stairs are designed with pupils with visual impairments in mind. Facilities have been adapted to support specialist medical provision in the sports block. The academy also has a rise and fall bed for medical protocols. The school has accessible toilets, showers and changing facilities. The Evac chair is located on the ground floor behind reception for emergency access for pupils who are wheelchair users, there is also an Evac chair on the second floor. The academy is equipped with automatic doors to enter the building at ground level. The external provision for access is laid out to allow access for specialist transport vehicles and disabled parking spaces are provided. We also have access to a fully accessible school minibus. There has also been a new Muga that is fully accessible for all pupils to access.  The Year 7 area has also been developed to allow full access to the Canopy and additional dining facility and outside space.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the site is completely accessible to all, we acknowledge that further adaptations may be required as necessary to meet the needs of individual pupils over time. The academy will take a proactive approach to ensuring that, as far as possible, any adjustments to the building or site are made prior to the pupil’s admission to the academy and in response to the recommendations of professionals such as all our indoor structures are painted yellow to support our pupils who have visual impairments.

Attached are three action plans relating to the above. These will be reviewed as and when necessary. It is acknowledged that there will be need for ongoing awareness training for all staff in the matter of disability discrimination and the potential need to inform attitudes on this matter.

The Accessibility Plan should be read in conjunction with the following policies, strategies and documents:

•        academy prospectus

•        Disability equality scheme

•        Equal opportunities policies

•        Health and safety policy

•        Special educational needs policy

The plan will be monitored by SLT. There will be a full review of the plan in the summer term of each year and a new plan will be produced to cover the next three years for the autumn term.

Welcoming and preparing for pupils with disabilities

Where it is practicable to make reasonable adjustments to enable a prospective pupil to take up a place at the academy, the academy is committed to providing those reasonable adjustments.

To meet the needs of pupils with disabilities, the academy requires a range of information. The academy will ask prospective pupils to disclose whether they have received any learning support in their previous setting. We will also ask if they have had an assessment or intervention from an external service, such as educational psychology, speech and language therapy or occupational therapy, or have any disability or other condition of which the academy should be aware. Where a pupil has an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) the academy will work with the Local Authority (LA) who makes and maintains the EHCP to ensure that the identified provision is delivered in accordance with Section of the pupil’s EHCP.

In assessing the pupil or prospective pupil, the academy may need to take advice and require assessments as appropriate. The academy will be sensitive to any issues of confidentiality.

Access to Curriculum







Access to Curriculum

Create effective learning environments for all utilising feedback from pupil groups.

Ensure a flexible approach to pupils with physical disabilities and

increase in access to the

National Curriculum.

Success for disabled

pupils in examinations.

Appropriate use of

specialised equipment

to benefit individual

pupils & staff

  • Reinforce responsibilities of all teachers as outlined in the National Curriculum Inclusion Statement.
  • Circulate “Reasonable Adjustments” Classroom Checklist to all staff. Ensure all classrooms and resources are organised in accordance with pupil need.
  • Ongoing programme of staff training in disability awareness to reflect diverse needs of pupils within the school.
  • Purchase cream/aqua exercise books

to use with children with specific learning difficulties and cream/aqua/pink/yellow photocopying paper for reading activities with pupils and parents.

  • Continue to include strategies such as pupil visual timetables

Promote elements of ‘dyslexia friendly’ classrooms Dyslexia-friendly Apply and maintain for Dyslexia – Friendly school and ELKLAN training for key staff and TA’s to support pupils needs.

  • SEND strategies available in Teacher’s Planners

updated as a resource library to support capacity building and teacher knowledge of a range of SEND needs. CPD and INSET -SEND needs of the school.

  • Curriculum reflects provision across a broad balanced provision
  • profile of SEND need addressing accessibility

  • Implementation of SEND Code of Practice through: EP, SALT, Lancasterian Sensory/physical and Medical Team and other outside agency consultations which involve parents.

  • Staff training on Quality First Teaching and adaptive teaching. Information for teachers on adaptive teaching and personalising the curriculum for pupils with children with high medical needs compiled with School nurse, parents and SENCO.
  • Set up procedures for obtaining information for Pupil Passport Plans for pupils at SEN Support, reviewed termly and children with Education Health Care Plans, reviewed both termly and annually.
  • Ensure relevant adults are in possession of the Pupil Passport Plans. (Pupil Passport)
  • Curriculum Heads of Department ensure Curriculum reflects the diversity of community and high expectations and aspirations for all pupils through inclusive curriculum offer.
  • Counselling, Manchester Mind,  Art/Drama Therapy for targeted children by the Pastoral Team.
  • Social Emotional Mental Health support through increased Mental Health First Aiders and intervention- Targeting Engagement through Additional Mentoring Support (TEAMS) through a range of therapies and Boxall Profiling and Art/Drama therapy and draw to talk.
  • Exam Access arrangements using Diagnostic testing assessments






Whole school CPD training schedule

Staff Planners

Access to Learning Plans/ Pupil Passports

Resources provided by NHS physiotherapy teams School Nurse

Rooms for therapists

Boxall Profiles online

Testing materials


Vice Principal Inclusion



Educational Psychologist

Speech and Language Therapist

School Nurse

SENCO through lesson observations and sampling lesson planning

CREATE cycle

Pathways Provisions

Leadership Team and



Leadership Team and



Exams Officer

Access to wider curriculum







Increase participation in school activities.

  • Audit participation in extra-curricular activities and identify any barriers. Pupil Engagement lead responsible for promoting extra-curricular activities and reviewing with staff.
  • Ensure school activities are accessible to all pupils.
  • Consider hosting an area event for partner schools e.g. Boccia, wheelchair basketball. The academy particpates in the Manchester and trust inclusion sport and is also able to access swimming lessons for Yr 7 and 8 pupils in our Pathways provision.
  • Seek advice re alternative accessible venues for residential trips.

Spring term 2022

Update training needed on risk assessments for trips and extracurricular activities.

PE Head of Department



Leadership Team


Impact Analysis

Ensure all policies consider the implications of Disability Access.

  • Analyse impact of Behaviour Policy , School Values Anti-Bullying Policy, Educational Visits, Homework, Health Provision in relation to pupils with disabilities.  Involve School Council in all reviews.
  • Consult pupils and staff on any proposed changes.
  • Introduce new policies

Spring Term 2022

Leadership Team and SENCO time to review policies.

Leadership Team and SENCO


Improving the physical environment of the school to increase access to education for pupils with physical disabilities.








Increase site access to meet diverse needs of pupils, staff, parents and community users.

  • Review personal evacuation plans and fire drill protocols for pupils who are non-ambulant
  • Look into feasibility of a low arousal space.
  • Improve signage of evacuation procedures, internet safety,  etc
  • Review new signage of room functions.
  • Improve signage to indicate access routes

around school

  • Ensure parents with a disability, parents and visitors aware of wheelchair access to all parts of the school.
  • Disability parking bays at the front and rear to the school


Site Team


Site Team



Availability of documents in alternative formats.







Newsletters and Information

  • Large print and audio formats etc as required. Language functionality options for parents as well to support and meet their needs.
  • Monitor uptake of documents in alternative formats
  • Review accessibility of newsletter and letters for parents.
  • Homework information available as information sheets in alternative formats as appropriate.
  • Dyslexic friendly information and homework on coloured paper.
  • Website accessibility increased.
  • Ensure website is compliant with requirement for access by person with visual impairment.
  • Ensure Prospectus is available via the school website.
  • Provide information in simple language, symbols, large print for prospective pupils or prospective parents/carers who may have difficulty with standard form of printed information.
  • Ensure all staff are aware of guidance on accessible formats
  • Access arrangements in place for all tests.


Coloured paper and books

Adapted font size resources for pupils

Admin. Manager

IT Technical Team


Communications Lead



Admin Team