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Co-op Academy North Manchester Equality Statement

Co-op Academy North Manchester

Equality Statement


  1. We are an inclusive school where we focus on the well-being and progress of every child and where all members of our community are of equal worth. This means that it is important that equalities, fairness, respect and dignity apply to everyone in our school community. - ‘Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and are equipped to lead happy and successful lives.’

We believe that the equality act provides a framework to support our commitment to the principles of diversity, tackling discrimination, promoting equality and fostering good relationships between people.

Our approach to equality is based on the following key principles:-

  • Our schools’ overall commitment to equality, diversity, human rights and community cohesion, which is embedded in all our policies and procedures. The academy has its own Equality, Diversity and Inclusion plan that supports this.
  • Aiming to ensure that everyone who comes into contact with our school community is valued and respected.
  • Aims to promote equality of opportunity and eliminate unlawful discrimination harassment or victimisation across all equality groups.
  • Setting out our specific school objectives and outlining how the school will incorporate the scheme within our day-to-day school life.
  • Observing good equalities practice for our staff. Ensuring that policies and procedures benefit all employees and potential employees in all aspects of their work, including recruitment and promotions, and in continuing professional development.
  • Working to raise standards for all pupils, especially for the most vulnerable. We believe that improving the quality of education for the most vulnerable groups of pupils raises standards across the school.

Our policy includes our whole school, that is, pupils, staff, governors, parents and carers and all those within our extended school community, such as neighbouring schools and learning organisations.

Whilst the policy also serves to outline our statutory duties under the Equality Act 2010, more importantly it allows us to focus on making our school an equitable, respectful and fair place, with outcomes that benefit the whole school community.

Signed by Principal

Name …………………………….. Signed………………………… Date……………

Signed by Chair of Governors

Name …………………………….. Signed………………………… Date……………

Statement from pupils

‘Treat everyone with respect and treat everyone as you would like to be treated. Everyone to have the same and equal opportunities.’

Signed by Chair of School Council

Name……………………………….. Signed…………………………. Date……………


  1. This Single Equality Scheme sets out our priorities for action to improve chances, choices and outcomes in the lives of different groups of people in our school community, and how well we are doing to attain them.

It covers a 4 year period from September 2022 – August 2026.

The Equality Act 2010 consolidates and replaces previous discrimination legislation. The Act covers discrimination, harassment and victimisation because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation. These categories are referred to as “protected characteristics”. (The “protected characteristics” of age and marriage and civil partnership apply to schools as employers but not with regard to the treatment of pupils or prospective pupils).

Our equality scheme includes our priorities and actions to comply with the equality duty as well as promoting a culture of human rights, respect and dignity.

The duty applies to staff, pupils (existing, prospective and in limited circumstances, former) and people using the services of the school, such as parents and the wider community.

The responsible body for ensuring that Co-op Academy North Manchester meets its Equality Duty is the Governing Body.

The Act requires all public organisation, including schools to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty and two specific duties.

The Public Sector Equality Duty or “general duty” This requires all public organisations, including schools to:-

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • Advance equality of opportunity between different groups
  • Foster good relations between different groups Two “specific duties”

This requires that all public organisations, including schools to 1. Publish information to show compliance with the Equality duty. 2. Publish Equality objectives at least every 4 years which are specific and measurable by August 31st 2022.

Vision and Values

‘Together we have the highest aspirations and expectations so that everyone achieves excellence in all they do and are equipped to lead happy and successful lives.’ 

At Co-op Academy North Manchester We work hard to give pupils, staff and the community our very best. The most important thing to us is that our pupils leave with the qualifications and skills that they need to lead happy and successful lives.

At the heart of our local community, we share our excellent facilities and our pupils are involved in a range of community projects. Many local residents already use our facilities but we are always looking for ways in which we can serve our community even better.

We are committed to ensuring equality of education, inclusion and opportunity for all pupils, particularly those with a disability, staff and all those receiving services from the school. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel free to disclose their disability and to participate fully in school life.

The achievement of pupils with additional needs is monitored and we will use this data to raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching. We will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that the school environment is as accessible as possible. We take a zero tolerance approach to the harassment of any person with any form of impairment or protected characteristic.

We note that OFSTED has a statutory duty to report on the outcomes and provision for pupils who are disabled and those who have special educational needs.

Links to other policies and documentation

Although this policy is the key document for information about our approach to equalities in line with the Public Sector Equality Duty, we ensure that information about our responsibilities under the Equality Act are also included in our school development plan, self-evaluation review, the school prospectus, school website and newsletters.

There are also references in the behaviour, admissions, SEND and anti bullying policies as well as minutes of meetings involving governors, the whole staff and the senior leadership team and school council.

The Equality Act also applies to schools in their role as employers, and the way we comply with this are found in our recruitment policy.

School Profile

Co-op Academy North Manchester is in an enviable position. Our building has allowed the academy to grow to 240 in all year groups.  The school now has waiting lists for all year groups.

Our new school is considered a barrier free school as it has been built in accordance with legislation regarding equality. Pupils succeed in a smaller environment with Co-op Academy North Manchester staff teaching the curriculum. The curriculum is also adapted to include the personal development offer to support self esteem, mental health and resilience.

Our Pathways centre is situated at the back of the main building, and provides a heavily supported and differentiated education provision for 20 students across Years 8 -11 with a focus on SEMH. The aim of the provision is to give structured opportunities for mainstream inclusion whilst retaining the intensive and personalised support appropriate to the individual. In this way, the Pathways Centre enhances integration and equality for all pupils.

Manchester profile - Manchester is a growing and increasingly diverse city. It has been predicted that Total employment is forecast to grow at 0.6% per year in GM, equating to a net increase of 183,000 jobs between 2017 and 2037.

The population in Manchester is projected to increase by a net increase of 295,700  GM residents from 2017 onwards however this is likely to further increase as the more skills based industries start in the city centre.

What we are doing to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation?

  • We take account of equality issues in relation to admissions and exclusions; the way we provide education for our pupils and the way we provide access for pupils to facilities and services.
  • We are aware of and act on the Reasonable Adjustment duty for disabled pupils, which is designed to enhance access and participation to the level of non-disabled pupils and stop disabled children being placed at a disadvantage compared to their non-disabled peers.
  • The Principal ensures that all appointment panels give due regard to this policy so that no one is discriminated against when it comes to employment, promotion or training opportunities.
  • We ensure that those who are affected by a policy or activity are consulted and involved in the design of new policies, and in the review of existing ones.
  • We take seriously the need to consider the equality implications when we develop, adapt and review policy or procedure and when we make significant decisions about the day to day life of the school.
  • We actively promote equality and diversity through the curriculum and by creating an environment which champions respect for all.
  • Our admissions arrangements are fair and transparent, and we do not discriminate against pupils by treating them less favourably on the grounds of their sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maturity.
  • All staff receive training that supports equality, diversity and inclusion as part of their induction upon joining the academy.

Behaviour, exclusions and attendance

The school policy on behaviour, rewards, sanctions and exclusions takes full account of the new duties under the Equality Act. We make reasonable, appropriate and flexible adjustments for pupils with a disability or other identified specific needs.

We closely monitor data on exclusions and absence from school for evidence of over-representation of different groups and take action promptly to address concerns.

Co-op Academy North Manchester is an inclusive employer and is committed to providing a workplace free of discrimination, harassment or victimisation. It aims to recruit a workforce and governing body that is representative of all sections of the community in order to provide a service which responds to the diverse needs of the local community.

The following information is collected and analysed for our school staff and school governors. We have identified the following issues from this information gathering exercise.

Information is collected annually from staff, governors and parents to pay due regards to the need to:- promote equality of opportunity between disabled and non-disabled people, eliminate discrimination that is unlawful, eliminate harassment of disabled persons in relation to their impairments, promote positive attitudes towards disabled people, encourage participation by disabled people in public life and to take steps to take account of a person with disabilities  impairments, even where that involves treatinga person with disabilities more favourably than other people.

There is a Wellbeing group in school that works to promote staff wellbeing and workload and is hosted by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

A wellbeing survey is carried out which is analysed and acted upon. Questions include reference to conflict, bullying and health, with ongoing feedback to staff via email and briefings.The academy has an open door policy for all staff.

We publish an action plan in response to pupil and staff surveys to hold ourselves publicly to account.


Co-op Academy North Manchester is striving to be an equal opportunities employer and as such opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. The City Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy states that people will be recruited, trained and developed on the basis of their ability and the requirements of the job.

The LA is the employer of staff in Community Schools, but the Governing Body and Headteacher have extensive powers over staffing matters. The Governors and Principal follow the principles contained in the Recruitment Policy which has been approved by Governors.

The policy aims to:-

  • promote a planned, objective approach to employee recruitment;
  • help panel members analyse the knowledge and skills required for the job;
  • help panel members assess whether candidates fulfil those requirements;
  • ensure job applicants receive fair and equitable treatment.

The following acts are also contained within the policy.


Recruitment and Retention allowances are available and exit interviews are carried out by the Trust.

Addressing prejudice and prejudice based bullying.

The school challenges all forms of prejudice and prejudice-based bullying, which stand in the way of fulfilling our commitment to inclusion and equality:

  • prejudices around disability and special educational needs.
  • prejudices around race, religion or belief.
  • travellers, migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum.
  • prejudices around gender and sexual orientation.

Staff are provided with guidance on how prejudice-related incidents should be identified, assessed, recorded and dealt with. We treat all bullying incidents equally seriously.

We keep a record of different prejudice-related incidents and provide a report to the governors about the numbers, types and seriousness of prejudice-related incidents at our school and how we dealt with them. We review this data termly and take action to reduce incidents.

What are we doing to advance equality of opportunity between different groups?

We know the needs of our school population very well and collect and analyse data in order to inform our planning and identify targets to achieve improvements. We work in partnership with parents and carers, primary schools and other agencies, to identify children who have a disability and make appropriate transition arrangements. We collect data and monitor progress and outcomes of different groups of pupils and use this data to support school improvement. We take action to close any gaps, for example, for those making slow progress in acquiring age- appropriate literacy and number skills.

We collect, analyse and publish data on the school population by gender and ethnicity;  on the % of pupils identified as having a special educational need and/or disability and by their principal need or disability;  by year group – in terms of ethnicity, gender and proficiency in English; on inequalities of outcome and participation, related to ethnicity, gender and disability and proficiency in English;

We analyse and internally publish standards reached by different British, ethnic FSM, SEN,

Looked-After, Traveller and EAL (English as an additional language) groups. We also collect, analyse and use data in relation to attendance and exclusions of different groups.

We also monitor mid term admissions as a pupil cohort to ensure they are settled and accessing both the formal and extra curriculums.

We are aware that the legislation relates mainly to current but also to future pupils: we have adaptations currently in place if a Visually Impaired, Hearing impaired or English as an Additional Language pupil joins our school.

We avoid language that runs the risk of placing a ceiling on any pupils’ achievement or that seeks to define their potential as learners, such as “less able”.

We teach pupils in mixed ability groupings and are careful around bandings and numbering to avoid low expectations from staff, pupils or parents and carers.

We use a range of teaching strategies that ensures we meet the needs of all pupils. We provide support and challenge to pupils at risk of underachieving.

We are alert and proactive about the potentially damaging impact of negative language in matters such as race, gender, disability and sexuality.

In addition to avoiding or minimising possible negative impacts of our policies, we take opportunities to maximise positive impacts by reducing and removing inequalities and barriers that may already exist between, for example:

  • disabled and non-disabled people
  • people of different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds or sexual orientations
  • girls and boys

We ensure equality of access for all pupils to a broad and balanced curriculum, removing barriers to participation where necessary.

Positive Action We will take positive and proportionate action to address the disadvantage faced by particular groups of pupils with particular protected characteristics, such as targeted support.

The actions will be designed to meet the school’s Equality Objectives.

What are we doing to foster good relationships

We prepare our pupils for life in a diverse society and ensure that there are activities across the curriculum that promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils.

We teach about difference, tolerance and  diversity and the impact of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination through PSHE and citizenship and across the curriculum.

We use materials and resources that reflect the diversity of the school, population and local community in terms of race, gender, sexual identity and disability, avoiding stereotyping.

We promote a whole school ethos and values that challenge prejudice based discriminatory language, attitudes and behaviour.

We provide opportunities for pupils to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures. Each year group does a series of workshops for example the Co-op North Manchester Way, diversity role models etc. which focus on Fundamental British Values, for eg: Year 10 Diversity in the UK focuses on communities and looking at the differences communities can bring. Year 8 looks at how we can solve problems within the community

We include the contribution of different cultures to world history and promote positive images of people from other countries.

We provide opportunities for pupils to listen to a range of opinions and empathise with different experiences.

We promote positive messages about equality and diversity through displays, assemblies, visitors, whole school events. So that students are able to articulate how this supports our school community. In PSHE and SMSC lessons include work on equality and diversity, through work on identity, British Values, relationships. RS focusses on different religions and celebrations and  celebrates all faiths, tolerance and understanding.

Other ways of promoting equality of opportunity

We maintain records of all training relating to the Equalities Act.

Our monitoring records include evaluations of aspects of Equalities. We keep minutes of meetings where equality issues are discussed.

We have a rolling programme for reviewing all of our school policies in relation to equalities and their impact on the progress, safety and wellbeing of our pupils.

The implications for equalities of new policies and practices are considered before they are introduced.

In order to ensure that the work we are doing on equalities meets the needs of the whole school community we:

  • review relevant feedback from the annual parent questionnaire, parents’ evening, parent-school forum and/or focus meetings or governors’ parent- consultation meetings.
  • secure and analyse responses from staff surveys, staff meetings and training events.
  • review feedback and responses from the children and groups of children, from the school council, PSHE lessons, whole school surveys on children’s attitudes to self and school.
  • analyse issues raised in Annual Reviews or reviews of progress on Individual Education Plans/Personalised Provision Maps, mentoring and support;
  • ensure that we secure responses and feedback at the Governors’ Personal Development, Welfare and Behaviour sub-committee.

Publishing Equality Objectives (see SEF and School Development Plan) The objectives which we identify represent our school’s priorities and are the outcome of a careful review of and analysis of data and other evidence. They also take into account national and local priorities and issues.

We include Equality data analysis and attainment objectives across all year groups in the school SEF and whole school improvement plan.

Roles and responsibilities

The Vice Principal for Personal Development and Inclusion is responsible for the implementation of this policy. We also expect all members of the school community and visitors to support our commitment to promoting equalities and meeting the requirements of the Equality Act. We will provide training, guidance and information as required to enable them to do this.

Governing body The governing body is responsible for ensuring that the school complies with legislation, and that this policy and its related procedures are implemented.

Every governing body committee keeps aspects of the school’s commitment to the Equality Duty under review, for example, in terms of standards, curriculum, admissions, exclusions, personnel issues and the school environment. Governors will annually review specific sections of the Equality Policy and evaluate the success of the school’s progress taking account of quantitative evidence (e.g. data) and qualitative evidence (e.g. surveys)

Principal and Senior Leadership team The Principal is responsible for implementing the policy; for ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities and are given appropriate training and support; and for taking appropriate action in any cases of unlawful discrimination.

A senior member of staff has day-to-day responsibility for co-coordinating implementation of the policy and for monitoring outcomes. They will have expert and informed knowledge of the Equality Act.

Teaching and Support Staff All teaching and support staff will: – promote an inclusive and collaborative ethos in their classroom – challenge prejudice and discrimination – deal fairly and professionally with any prejudice-related incidents that may occur – plan and deliver lessons that reflect the school’s principles, for example, in providing materials that give positive images in terms of race, gender and disability – maintain the highest expectations of success for all pupils – support different groups of pupils in their class through differentiated planning and teaching, especially those who may (sometimes temporarily) find aspects of academic learning difficult – keep up-to-date with equalities legislation relevant to their work.

Visitors All visitors to the school, including parents and carers are expected to support our commitment to equalities and comply with the duties set out in this policy.

Equal Opportunities for staff This section deals with aspects of equal opportunities relating to staff. We are committed to the implementation of equal opportunities principles and the monitoring and active promotion of equality in all aspects of staffing and employment.

All staff appointments and promotions are made on the basis of merit and ability and in compliance with the law.

We will ensure wherever possible that the staffing of the school reflects the diversity of our community.

As an employer we strive to ensure that we eliminate discrimination and harassment in our employment practice and actively promote equality across all groups within our workforce.

We respect the religious beliefs and practice of all staff, pupils and parents, and comply with reasonable requests relating to religious observance and practice.

We ensure that all staff, including support and administrative staff, receive appropriate training and opportunities for professional development, both as individuals and as groups or teams.

Monitoring and reviewing the policy

We review the information about equalities in the policy annually and make adjustments as appropriate.

Disseminating the policy

This Equality Policy along with the Equality Objectives is available on the school website

  • as paper copies in the school office
  • in the staff handbook
  • as part of induction for new staff

We ensure that the whole school community knows about the policy, objectives and data through the school newsletter, assemblies, staff meetings and other communications.

We publish on the school’s website copies of relevant policies and guidance, including those on behaviour, anti-bullying and special educational needs.

Our objectives for 2018-2022

Equality Objectives must address the 9 protected characteristics: disability, age, sex, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, marital status and civil partnership, and gender realignment or identity. Given the above and a review of the current position of the school, the following equality objectives have been set:

  • To increase the percentage of boys achieving the Basics.
  • By the end of 2017/18 school year, the percentage of boys in year 11 achieving the Basics at 5+ will increase from 38% (2017) to 41% (2018) to 44% (2019) to 47% (2020) to 50% (2021) and to 53% (2022). The national average for all pupils achieving the Basics at 5+ is 39.6%.
  • To train staff how to respond effectively to prejudice-based bullying.
  • By July 2018, 90% of the staff will feel confident in responding effectively to

prejudice-related bullying, as shown by the annual staff survey. By July 2022 this will rise to 100% of staff.

If we meet our objectives before 2022, then we will set new ones.