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Co-op Academy North Manchester Home School agreement

Co-op Academy North Manchester

Home-academy agreement

The academy will:

  • care for each pupil’s wellbeing, safety, happiness and recognise achievement
  • adopt a firm but fair and consistent approach to discipline
  • provide high quality teaching in a high quality learning environment
  • encourage and foster a sense of individual self-respect for each pupil
  • report pupils’ progress to parents or carers regularly in writing
  • contact parents or carers if there are concerns about attendance, punctuality, behaviour or progress
  • respond sensitively and promptly to any concern or complaint raised by any pupil, parent or carer
  • listen to, and value, parental and pupil contributions

Parents or Carers will

  • support the academy values and behaviours
  • ensure that their child attends the academy on time, with a minimum of 97% attendance
  • inform the academy on the first day in the event of any absence
  • support the academy policy of holidays not being taken in term time
  • ensure that their child will complete all work set by the academy
  • ensure their child adheres to all policies of the academy
  • attend meetings concerning the education and wellbeing of their child
  • inform the academy if they have any concerns regarding their child so that support for the pupil can be agreed

It is your responsibility as a parent or carer to inform us by email or telephone, any changes of address or telephone numbers. This would not only be for yourself but for any other names on your child’s contact list.

The Co-op Academy North Manchester pupil will:

  • work to the academy’s high expectations of our values and behaviours
  • adopt an attitude of hard-work, self-discipline and organisation in every lesson
  • be properly equipped for every lesson
  • meet work deadlines set by your teacher
  • attend regularly and on time and be punctual to all lessons
  • follow the academy’s policy on uniform and appearance


ICT including the Internet, Virtual Learning Environment, e-mail and mobile technologies have become an important part of learning in our Academy.   We expect all pupils to be safe and responsible when using any ICT.  It is essential that pupils are aware of eSafety and know how to stay safe when using any ICT.

Pupils are expected to read and discuss this agreement with their parent or carer and then sign and follow the terms of the agreement.  Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with your child’s Learning Tutor.

Please make sure that you and your child read the acceptable use eSafety.

Academy Pupil Acceptable Use – Agreement / eSafety Rules

  • I will only use ICT systems in the academy, including the internet, e-mail, digital video, mobile technologies, etc. for academy purposes
  • I will not download or install software on academy technologies
  • I will only log on to the academy network/Virtual Learning Environment with my own user name and password
  • I will follow the academy’s ICT security system and not reveal my passwords to anyone and change them regularly  
  • I will only use my academy e-mail address
  • I will make sure that all ICT communications with pupils, teachers or others is responsible and sensible.
  • I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the Internet.  This includes resources I access and the language I use
  • I will not tell other people my login details
  • I will be responsible for all activity that takes place under my login
  • I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal.   If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to my teacher
  • I will not give out any personal information such as name, phone number or address.  I will not arrange to meet someone unless this is part of an academy project approved by my teacher

  • Images of pupils and/or staff will only be taken, stored and used for academy purposes in line with academy policy and not be distributed outside the academy network without the written permission of the Headteacher
  • I will ensure that my online activity, both in academy and outside academy, will not cause the academy, the staff, pupils or others distress or bring the academy into disrepute
  • I will respect the privacy and ownership of others’ work on-line at all times
  • I will not attempt to bypass the internet filtering system
  • I understand that all my use of the Internet, email and other related technologies can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers
  • I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed, academy sanctions will be applied and my parent/carer may be contacted

Biometrics permission

From 1 September 2013 the provisions in the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (governed by the Data Protection Act 1998) will come into effect and will apply to any school, sixth form college or further education institution where education is provided to children under 18 who use biometric identification for example attendance registration, cashless catering and site access.  

At the academy we only use biometrics for the purpose of cashless catering.  As you are aware money or free school meal credits are paid into pupils’ accounts which are then accessed at the tills using a fingerprint scanner.  This reduces the need for pupils to be carrying cash around the academy.

The fingerprints (which are just a partial fingerprint) are saved on a server, not as a physical fingerprint, but as a code within the system.  There is no way for us, or outside agencies, to view or use the fingerprint data.  If parents, or indeed pupils are unhappy with the data being collected in this way, the pupil can be given a pin number to remember and use that instead.  

[Parents/carers are asked to agree or not agree to fingerprint recognition]


 Photographic permission

I give permission for Co-op Academy North Manchester to use or publish the images in which my child/legal charge is included and any reproduction or adaptation, either complete or in part.  The images/films taken will be used in all internal and external media types.  Use includes, but is not limited to: press, digital media, the academy website and subsidiary sites, printed materials, posters and billboards.  I understand that I do not own the copyright of the images/films which shall be owned by Co-op Academy North Manchester, nor do I have any other rights in or to the photographs/films.

[Parents/carers are asked to agree or not agree to photography]


I / We, are the legal parents or carers of the above named child and confirm that on accepting a place for my child with Co-op Academy North Manchester  I will not take my child out of the academy in term time.  

This includes:

  • Leave of absence to return to my home country for family meetings etc
  • Leave of absence resulting in absence at the end of term or half term to accommodate flight times

I / We will also ensure that:

  • My child will be present in the academy on the first day of the new term

I / We recognise that any religious festivals will be accommodated within the flexible timetable of the academy and I / We will ensure my child is in attendance at school.

I understand the academy may have a right to remove any pupil from the academy roll if they do not attend for over 10 consecutive days and understand that my child will lose his/her place in the academy and the Local Authority will be informed that my child is missing in education.

I have read and understood the contents of the agreements/permissions as listed above and agree to the terms of the Home Academy Agreement.

[Parents/carers and pupils are asked to sign the document]