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Here at Co-op Academy North Manchester, we view homework as an important part of learning. 

Homework supports pupils in developing detailed knowledge and skills across the curriculum and in their ability to apply what they know and can do.

Homework enhances pupil learning by increasing fluency and independence and as such is an integral part of the curriculum.

Homework also provides an opportunity to allow parents and carers to become more involved in their child’s learning. Pupils are assigned homework online via Google Classroom. All pupils have been provided with a Google account, and we would ask parents and carers to check this regularly. 

Why do we believe that homework is important?

  • Reinforcing positive attitudes to learning
  • Encouraging self organisation and self-discipline
  • Supporting pupils to be resilient and independent
  • Reinforcing, broadening and extending the school curriculum
  • Developing academy/home partnerships
  • Preparing pupils for life opportunities and experiences
  • Developing pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural skills
  • Enabling pupils to investigate and become involved in the wider community
  • Providing opportunities for pupils to read widely and often, developing fluency and comprehension appropriate to their age
  • Enabling pupils to apply mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures appropriately for their age

What support is there for homework?

Homework is work that is set to be done outside the timetabled curriculum. It includes an element of independent study in that it is not usually directly supervised by a teacher and it  is critical to raising pupil achievement. Not all homework is done at home; in fact, for some pupils who find it hard to work at home, or for some tasks which may require resources (books, software, equipment) more readily available at school, it is necessary or desirable to carry out the task at school.

In order to support pupils who need to complete their homework at school, the academy has a ‘homework hub’ which is open after school. This provision has relevant textbooks, access to computers and other resources and provides a quiet and focused work space for our pupils.

What is the purpose of homework?

  • To encourage pupils to develop the practice of independent study.
  • To develop perseverance and self-discipline; to develop in pupils a sense of responsibility for, and commitment to, their own learning.
  • To encourage pupils to have positive attitudes to learning; to become active learners who seek to improve their work and deepen their understanding.
  • To involve parents and carers in the educational process and provide an insight into the work of the pupils.
  • To enable pupils to learn through the practice of skills acquired in the classroom.
  • To reinforce classwork and consolidate learning.
  • To permit more rapid progress to be made by each individual; to promote quiet reflection on the work covered in the lesson.
  • To enable class work to concentrate on those activities requiring the teacher’s presence.
  • To encourage pupils to investigate topics of study in depth, particularly through the use of effective follow-up questions.
  • To open up areas of study and to make possible the use of materials and sources available outside the classroom.
  • To encourage pupils to enjoy the skills, concepts and experiences related to each subject.
  • To encourage pupils to talk, discuss and research using the rich variety of resources which our community can provide.

Are there Incentives or Rewards associated with homework?

High quality homework and a good work ethos should be recognised inside and outside of the classroom. Where appropriate, homework should be included in display work.

Although we believe that homework is an integral part of learning, the academy does offer incentives for exceptional pieces or for excellent attitudes to homework, for example:

Teachers may award achievement points through Arbor. For sustained effort and completion of homework pupils will be considered for a postcard home and/or weekly and termly prize draws. Completion of homework also forms part of the criteria for attending end of term/year trips. 

What do we ask of in terms of homework?

All our homework is posted onto Google Classroom. We encourage our pupils to talk about their homework at home and to ask their teacher for any help that they may require. We also require our pupils to submit their homework on time and to the best of their ability.

We encourage our parents and carers to take an interest in their child’s homework and to check that they are completing this. If their child is struggling with any aspect of homework, be it the subject content or the organisation of it, then we ask that parents and carers encourage their child to speak to their Pastoral Manager. We also ask that they encourage them to attend the homework hub as necessary.

How do we report to parents and carers about homework?

Reports at every stage will show the number of missed homework, accrued to that point in the academic year, alongside attendance, achievement and behaviour figures.  Through the annual full report to parents and carers, teachers should be encouraged to provide a written comment on the quality and consistency of homework throughout the year.

Homework frequency

Years 10-11

  • All subjects = x 1 per week

Years 7, 8 & 9 

  • Core subjects – English, Maths & Science = x 1 per week
  • Art, DT, Geography, History, ICT & MFL = x 1 per fortnight
  • Citizenship, Drama, Music and RS = once per half-term