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British Values

The Prevent Strategy defines the British values.

These are key to allowing everybody to participate and contribute positively to our society. These values are:


The rule of law

Individual liberty

Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

We offer a wide range of opportunities, which include:

  • Assemblies which explore a range of areas above and have our Academy values of Respect, Commitment and Trust at their heart
  • PSHE for all Year groups and a broad and balanced curriculum including “You and Your Beliefs”
  • A Student Parliament that enables pupils to express their views and who are voted in democratically
  • Consistent and Clear Behaviour for Learning Policy written in consultation with the Student Parliament
  • Adoption of Restorative approaches that help to resolve situations that may arise
  • Having a rigorous commitment to student safety through our Safeguarding procedures and our Health and Safety procedures
  • Celebrating diversity across our community through a variety of events including themed menus, the curriculum and assemblies
  • Offering extra-curricular Trips and visits that develop individual talent and contribute to school life

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development

Our SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural development) programme at the Academy is based around British Values and modern life in Britain. SMSC is at the heart of all that we do. It involves developing the whole person and ensuring that they are happy, secure, confident and valued.

We provide a lots of opportunities for our pupils to develop these skills across the school day. These include through the curriculum, assemblies, form time, extra-curricular activities, leadership opportunities, rewards systems, to name but a few. Our Academy culture and ethos is also underpinned by SMSC.