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The Academy Day

It is important to arrive at school on time every day, prepared for learning.

A movement bell sounds before Form Time, Period 3 and Period 5, to help pupils get to lesson on time.

Pupils are in academy for 32.5 hours per week.

Arrive at the Academy 8:30 am
Form Time 8:35am – 9:00am
Lesson 1 9:00am – 10:00am
Lesson 2 10:00am – 11:00am

11:00am – 11:15am 

*5 minute movement time to lesson

Lesson 3 11:20am – 12:20pm
Lesson 4 12:20pm – 1:20pm

1:20pm – 2:00pm

*5 minute movement time to lesson

Lesson 5 2:05pm – 3:05pm
End of academy day 3:05pm

Form Time

Pupils should arrive at school by 8:30am and be in their form room by 8:35am. Form Time includes a range of activities and a chance to build friendships and strengthen relationships with key staff.


Every year group has two assemblies each week which focus on a range of themes. Guests are regularly invited into assembly to talk to our pupils about issues which are important to young people.

Extra-Curricular Activities

These activities run both before school, at lunchtime and after the academy day. Please see our extra-curricular page for more details of these.

Free Academy Breakfast

Served from 8am, all pupils can get a free breakfast from the canteen everyday. This includes cereals, fruit, toast and a range of hot and cold drinks.