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Co-op Academy North Manchester Awarded Silver by CyberFirst

Co-op Academy North Manchester has been awarded the prestigious Silver Award in the CyberFirst initiative, marking a significant achievement as the first Co-op school in the North West to receive this honour. The CyberFirst program, run by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), aims to inspire and develop the next generation of cyber security professionals.

The Silver Award recognises schools that demonstrate a strong commitment to cyber security education and provide pupils with valuable skills and knowledge in this rapidly evolving field. Co-op Academy North Manchester has excelled in integrating cyber security into their curriculum, offering pupils unique opportunities to engage with cutting-edge technology and develop essential digital skills.

Ms Hands, Principal at Co-op Academy North Manchester,  expressed her pride in the achievement, stating, "This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff and pupils. We are committed to providing our pupils with the best possible education and preparing them for future careers in cyber security."

Mr Slattery, Teacher of ICT said, "As a department and a school we have worked exceptionally hard to not only develop our computing curriculum, but also our additional offering for our pupils.  We want our pupils to be inspired to work in the world of tech, no matter what role that might be.  Through trips, clubs and competitions - we know we are on the right track to inspire our next generation of computing experts.  We are looking very much to the future".

This recognition not only highlights the academy's commitment to excellence in education but also emphasises the importance of preparing pupils for the challenges of the digital age. The academy's success in the CyberFirst program underscores the growing need for skilled professionals in the field of cyber security and the vital role that schools play in nurturing this talent.

Suzie Short, IN4.0 Group – Senior Programme Manager & CyberFirst Ambassador added “Well done to Co-op Academy North Manchester for gaining Silver CyberFirst Recognition. This is a well-deserved achievement, with assessors noting significant engagement and activities aimed at inspiring their pupils. We are excited to see how Co-op Academy North Manchester progresses over the next two years”.  

The CyberFirst initiative includes a range of activities and resources designed to encourage young people to pursue careers in cyber security, from classroom-based lessons to hands-on workshops and competitions. By achieving the Silver Award, Co-op Academy North Manchester has set a high standard for other schools in the region to follow.