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Co-op Academy North Manchester Hosts Speed Networking Event for Year 9 Pupils

As part of our excellent CEIAG offer Year 9 pupils participated in a speed networking event on Thursday 16th May 2024. The event was organised by Ahead Partnership, a social value specialist that connects young people to opportunity by working with employers to help them overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.

The event featured 17 volunteers from various local businesses representing diverse sectors, such as Capsticks, Transpennine Route Upgrade, X Design, and Circle Recruitment, amongst others. 

During the speed networking sessions, pupils were divided into groups and had the opportunity to spend 10 minutes with each volunteer. This allowed them to gain valuable insights into different career paths, ask questions, and learn from the volunteers' personal career journeys and experiences.

L, a Year 9 pupil, remarked, "The event was very interesting. I learned about different careers and job experiences."

S, another Year 9 pupil, added, "The event was fascinating, I enjoyed discussing law and exploring future career opportunities. It was really great to discover the various career paths that are available to me."

Miss Maidment, CEIAG Coordinator, said, “The event was a huge success in helping to raise the aspirations of our pupils. They had the chance to speak to and question various people in industry. This will allow them to make informed decisions about their futures.”

Suzie Bell, Project Lead for Growing Talent Manchester added, "We're really excited to bring our new programme, Growing Talent Manchester, to young people at Co-op Academy North Manchester. We know how important it is to provide meaningful and engaging career development opportunities for young people, and we're thrilled that our programme has been well received by the school and business volunteers in Manchester."