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Pupils Take Part in Yoto Carnegie Shadowing Program

In March 2024, the shortlist for the Yoto Carnegie Children's Book Award was announced. Our library leaders, along with a group of enthusiastic readers from the academy participated in a shadowing program. This program offers them the chance to read, evaluate, and engage in various activities and challenges leading up to the voting process that takes place in June.

During the program, pupils, who have named themselves ‘The Book Busters’, "shadow" the judging process for the Yoto Carnegie Medals. They delved into the beautiful books on the shortlist, exchanged thoughts, and posted about related activities online. Additionally, they cast their votes for the winners of the Shadowers' Choice Awards.

As part of these activities, the Library Leaders collaborated with Miss Beaumont, an Art teacher, to recreate their favourite Carnegie book cover. Pupils explored various mediums such as poster paints, oil pastels, pencil crayons, watercolours, and crafts to bring their beloved books to life. The results were truly remarkable. We are so proud of their achievements. They will soon be displayed in the academy library for everyone to enjoy! 

Mrs Loughman, the Academy Librarian, expressed her delight in co-ordinating the program, stating, “As the Academy Librarian, overseeing the Carnegie Shadowing programme has been an absolute pleasure for me! I’m so incredibly proud of how enthusiastic the pupils have been in engaging with the reading of the many books, attending virtual author sessions and giving up their social times, to share their experiences with excitement." 

The pupils thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the programme and shared some of their thoughts: 

"When I was drawing 'Steady For This', I felt relaxed and calm. It was really enjoyable." 

Lee, Year 9

"I enjoyed painting the book cover, it was an interesting experience, painting is really fun and the cover turned out to be great! I was a little scared at first but built some courage and did it!."

Rana, Year 9

"I really enjoyed painting the book. At first, I did not really feel confident about painting, but Miss Beaumont encouraged me, because I felt really happy and confident. This also gave me a lot of experience of art, and it also made me understand what art is really like." 

Nasifit, Year 9

Miss Beaumont, Art Teacher said: "It was truly wonderful to have our pupils participate in designing their book covers. Witnessing their enjoyment and seeing their confidence blossom as they took ownership of their creations was incredibly rewarding for me and for them."