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Year 11 Revision Sessions May 2024

As we move towards the final exams, the next couple of weeks will play a vital part in pupils' preparation for their GCSE Exams.  As part of our ongoing commitment to our pupils' success, academy staff have voluntarily scheduled revision sessions over the half-term break.

It is important that pupils attend all revision sessions that are relevant to them. Timetables have been shared with pupils, but a copy of the scheduled sessions can be found below. 

Pupils are not required to wear their school uniform. However, they must wear clothes that are appropriate for school.  Mobile phones will also not be allowed during the revision sessions.  Light refreshments will also be provided for pupils. 

Please remind pupils that not all areas of the school are accessible due to scheduled maintenance work. 

Frequently asked questions

What time should pupils arrive?

Pupils should arrive 10 minutes before the revision session is due to start, and will need to stay for the full session. Pupils will not be allowed to leave early.

Where should pupils go when they arrive at school?

Pupils must enter the building via the main reception at the front of the academy (Victoria Avenue East). A member of staff will be there to meet pupils. All pupils must sign in when they arrive and wait to be collected by their subject teacher.

What if pupils arrive late?

We strongly advise that pupils arrive on time to avoid missing any of the sessions.  However, should pupils arrive late, they will need to wait in reception for a member of staff to escort them to their revision session.

Monday 27th May Tuesday 28th May Wednesday 29th May Thursday 30th May

Friday 31st


Bank Holiday - no Sessions

Maths Foundation Tier with Mrs Carroll

10am - 12pm 


Geography with Mr Massey

10am - 12pm


Science (Biology) with Mrs Dodd, Mr McIntyre and Ms Papadaki

10am - 12pm

Ground floor Science area

Science (Physics) with 

Ms Papadaki & Mrs Dodd

10am - 12pm

Ground floor Science area


Maths Higher Tier with Mr Jones

10am - 12pm


History with Mr Sinnott, Mrs Gater and Mr Charlton

10am - 12pm

History area






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