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Year 10 Progress Evening, Thursday 23rd May 2024

The Year 10 Progress Evening is taking place on Thursday 23rd May 2024. Parents and carers have been sent links to the School Cloud to book their appointments.

We believe it is vitally important that we discuss pupils' current progress with parents and carers. Year 10 will sit their examinations and also work experience before we finish for the summer holidays, and we would really like to discuss their current progress now that they are halfway through their GCSE courses.

The process is similar to that which we followed for previous Progress Evenings. The SchoolCloud is available to book appointments with subject staff. Each appointment will last no longer than 5 minutes so that our staff can meet with all the parents and carers of pupils who they teach. Please log into the SchoolCloud website via this link: (copy and paste the link below which will take you to the direct page for entering your information).

School Cloud Link

The system will only recognise the data we have stored for pupil, so the entered information must match. It will identify the details for your primary and secondary contacts only. Once appointments have been booked, a list will be available on your phone that evening.

For any questions or queries, please contact the Year 10 pastoral team, Mr Kelly and Mrs Kelleher.

Kindest regards

Mrs F Welsh