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Pupils help to raise awareness for Mental Health Awareness Week

Since 2001, the Mental Health Foundation has been leading Mental Health Awareness Week, bringing together the UK to promote good mental health. Each May, millions of people from every part of society take part. They include people in schools and further education; private, public and charity sectors; families and individuals. This year the theme was ‘moving more for mental health’

At Co-op Academy North Manchester, pupils engaged in a presentation led by our Academy Community Pioneer, Julianne Noon, aimed at raising awareness. Julianne shared insights on how she supports her own and others' mental well-being, discussing strategies to aid those struggling with their mental health.

Throughout the sessions, pupils and Julianne crafted green bands to promote mental health awareness, and explored the concept that mental health can sometimes be an invisible disability. They also viewed a brief video emphasising how physical activity can uplift your mood, and improve both physical and mental health.

Julianne added, ‘it was a pleasure to speak to the pupils about mental health. This was something that wasn’t done when I was at school. It was great to hear some of the tactics the pupils shared that will really help my own personal well-being ’. 

Some of the pupils who attended the session shared what helps them with their own mental health:

“I make my favourite food when I’m not feeling 100%”

 “Having good mental health doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. I love seeing things that raise awareness especially for good causes”.

“This has really cheered me up making these bands and having some time to talk to my friends”.

If you or someone you know needs any support with mental health, then reach out or visit

We've also shared lots of links to organisations on the webpage below.

Pupil Support/Pastoral

Everyone in the Co-op Academy North Manchester community cares about each other. We all believe in working together for the best in everyone and our vision is to ensure that every pupil will go on to lead a happy and successful life when they leave us.    Who you can speak to in school if you are worried…