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Parent Digest, Half Term One

I always introduce myself as the incredibly proud Principal of Co-op North Manchester and this year so far I couldn’t be prouder. In spite of some incredibly challenging circumstances nationally and locally, we have some truly remarkable achievements to share. We have been recognised for our exceptional exam results this year and are also really pleased with the current Year 10 and Year 11 pupils for the start they have made. They are conducting themselves really well, and they are working really hard in lessons. Year 11 have returned and are really ambitious for themselves - they have some great coursework completed and are beginning their mock preparation - we will be helping them to learn how to revise, make revision timetables and signposting well-being support. Year 10 have coped extraordinarily well with their very difficult start back, and we commend them for their quiet grace, compassion and support in this first half-term. We will hold a space for Miley with the class of 2026.

Uniform and attendance have also been really strong this half-term and I would like to say thank you for all your support with this. It does matter and makes a difference, so please do continue to make sure your child is in full uniform, with equipment - and please make sure this includes a bag big enough to carry an A4 book, as we do send books home for homework and as the weather will worsen and books can get damaged otherwise.

We say a fond farewell to Mr Ash, who is leaving to work in a different setting with young people - we wish him every success in the future.

We welcome three new members of staff after half-term: Mr Beard who will join our pastoral team, Mx Rhind who will join our Modern Foreign Languages department and Ms Pantzari, who joins our Science team. Your child may have some timetable changes as a result, so it’s worth speaking to them about this, especially if routines are important to them. All pupils will receive a new timetable on Monday 30th October whether it has changed or not.

The Trust is implementing a change to all its schools’ management information systems after half-term and as such there will be changes in the future to the ways we communicate with you - we hope these will be even more effective in helping us keep in contact and letting you know how your child is doing. More information and guidance will follow, and our parent governors will also be in touch about ways in which we can support them through the transition. Our phone system is also changing! Please bear with us as we try to make these important changes which we hope will help communication - something we know is important to you and something we are keen to get really right.

Parents and carers can continue to use the usual methods to contact the academy below:

Department  contact
General enquiries 0161 681 1592 opt 4 or email
Attendance 0161 681 1592 opt 1. Pupil absence can also be reported via ParentMail
Year 7 Team
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11

I hope the half-term provides a welcome break and some important time as families and members of the brilliant North Manchester community. As always, if you need anything - uniform or otherwise - please get in touch via our enquiries email.

Best wishes

Sharon Hands, Principal

Recognition Awards 

Friday the 13th, although unlucky for some, proved to be another memorable day for Co-op Academy North Manchester.  We were invited along with the other 31 academies across the trust to attend the annual recognition awards. These awards are an opportunity to celebrate the successes from the past academic year.

We are delighted to share our happiness and success that out of 900 nominations to the Trust………

Mrs Watkins, Assistant Vice Principal for Behaviour and Attitudes, won ‘The Geoff Clarke Award’ for her work on extracurricular and with pupil leadership and development.

Miss Parkinson, Assistant Vice Principal for Careers and vocational curriculum, won the Teacher of Year Award for her work in her own subject and others.

Mrs Grogan, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, won the Support Staff of The Year Award for her incredibly strong practice.

We are thrilled to announce that Co-op Academy North Manchester was awarded ‘ Secondary Academy of The Year’ for our exceptional exams results this year. Our results meant that:

Co-op North Manchester pupils did as well as all pupils in the whole country at a time when many schools experienced a drop in outcomes.

We had over 278 grades at the very top grades and our EBACC results were the best in Co-op Academies Trust.

Our results meant that pupils at our school do very well academically, and we are really proud of our achievements. We are supporting the current year groups from Year 7 to have the highest aspirations for themselves, and we expect our success to grow year after year. Thank you Class of 2023, good luck Class of 2024.

Our attendance was the highest in the Trust as well as being above Manchester and national averages.

Dr Chris Tomlinson, CEO of Co-op Academies Trust commended our attendance, outcomes and the hard work and attitudes of our pupils which stood out for him on visits to us also. We just need to win next year now too!!!

School Governors

We are pleased to announce that Lola Ajibade has joined our Governing Council as our new Community Governor.  Lola will be working closely with the academy and the North Manchester community teams to launch some exciting initiatives. Lola works in Manchester as a lawyer and is a fantastic addition to our Academy Governing Body

Watch this space….

Road Safety

The Co-op are supporting the ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ Campaign.  As the clocks go back on the 29th of October the nights will get darker. ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ promotes road safety and encourages children  to take extra precautions during those darker evenings. 

Safety for pupils on our roads is a prime concern for everyone, so here are some simple steps to ensure your children remain safe when taking the journey to and from school:

  • Looking out for and encouraging your children to be aware of hidden entrances or driveways when crossing pavements.
  • Making sure your children walk on the side of pavements away from the traffic.
  • When crossing the road your child should always choose a safe place and time to cross. Remind them it’s always safer to cross at a pedestrian or patrolled crossing.
  • Avoid crossing between parked cars as drivers won’t be able to see children who do this very well.
  • It’s important to stop at the curb, look both ways and listen to traffic before crossing. Pedestrian crossings can still be dangerous if proper care is not taken.
  • All pedestrians should wait on the pavement until all the traffic from both directions has stopped as this is the safest time to cross. Islands are often provided in the middle of the road, so children should treat each half as a separate crossing.
  • Children should avoid playing near busy roads as they can often forget their surroundings and become unaware of the dangers on the road.

Highlights from this term


Open Evening 

On Thursday 28th September we opened our doors to welcome families to visit our academy. We were overwhelmed by the number of visitors, and it was a delight to meet the future class of 2029. 

Read more here 

We had over 350 families visit, and we were inundated with requests for first-choice places. We have only 240 places for September, and we are full in every year group at present with waiting lists in Years 8-11.

Our pupils were incredible during the evening as they toured potential pupils and spoke highly of all the opportunities that our curriculum offers both inside and outside the classroom.  They were brilliant ambassadors for the academy and displayed our visions and values as they made their way round the academy.  






Residential Trip to Jamie's Farm 

This term, eleven Year 11 pupils set off for a week-long residential trip to Jamie’s Farm in Monmouthshire.


Careers Events 

This term we have held several careers events to support our pupils in Year 10 and Year 11 in their post-16 pathways journey.

Read more here 

On the 27th September, pupils from Year 11 attended the Careers Carousel.  This event gave pupils the opportunity to select 4 further education providers to attend a talk on pathways and opportunities they had to offer. 

Our pupils spoke about how valuable the experience was and how it had allowed them to make informed decisions about their future.

On Thursday 12th October, pupils in Years 10 and 11 attended our annual Careers Fair.

We invited local colleges, sixth forms, employers and apprenticeship providers to come along and speak with pupils about their post-16 pathways. The event was extremely well attended and pupils spoke about how helpful the event was in helping them to secure their decision for their further education.

Mrs Parkinson, Assistant Vice Principal for CEIAG said:  “As a further commitment to raising the aspirations of our pupils, this is an open forum opportunity for our pupils to ask questions to enable them to make informed decisions. Thus ensuring that pupils are equipped to go on to live happy and successful lives.”

Here at North Manchester, our vision and values of Trust, Commitment and Respect are at the heart of our careers offer.  Next term Year 11 pupils will be invited to take part in a Mock Interview event. This provides them with an opportunity to attend a ‘Job Interview’ with a local employer.  The experience is invaluable as they can gain insight into the application process and have access to feedback that will really help them to develop their skills for their post-16 pathways.





Matilda The Musical JR - Save the date!

Over the past term, the Performing Arts Department has held auditions for their performance of Matilda the Musical JR. Lots of pupils from Year 7-Year 11 auditioned and the Performing Arts team were blown away with the talent presented to them.

After a very difficult casting process, the cast list has been announced. Rehearsals are well underway. The performances will take place on Wednesday 14th February  through to Friday 16th February.  We will share details on how to purchase tickets after the Christmas break.



Finance Workshops for Year 7

This term Year 7 pupils were invited to take part in financial workshops run by Bex card.

Read more here 

Bex Card is an organisation that aims to encourage young people to save money.  They have a bank account (similar to GoHenry) that doesn't have a set charge each month, rather it charges per use.  They are also launching a Junior ISA this month which is aimed at encouraging young people to save and make interest work for them.  All our Year 7 pupils took part in workshops that encouraged them to differentiate between wants and needs, learn how compound interest works and how they can make good choices about their money to ensure they are financially stable in the future.


 Key Dates

Date Event 

Friday 20th October 2023

Academy closes for half-term break

Monday 30th October 2023

Pupils return from half-term break

Thursday 2nd November 2023

Year 7 Progress Evening 4.00pm - 6.00pm

Wednesday 8th November 2023

Year 11 Mock Interview Event

Friday 24th November 2023

INSET staff training, closed to pupils

Tuesday 28th November 2023

How to Help Your Child Revise Event 5.30pm - 7.30pm

Thursday 30th November 2023

Academic Celebration Event 5.30pm - 8.00pm

Tuesday 5th December 2023

Flu vaccinations

Thursday 21st December 2023

Christmas break

Monday 8th January 2024

Pupils return from Christmas break


Year 11 Mock Exams begin

Thursday 18th January 2024

Year 8 HPV/MMR Vaccination first dose

Thursday 18th January 2024

Year 9 Progress Evening 4.00pm - 6.00pm

Friday 19th January 2024

Year 8 HPV/MMR Vaccination first dose

Thursday 8th February 2024

Year 9 Options Event 4.00pm - 6.30pm

Wednesday 14th - Friday 16th February 2024

Matilda the Musical JR

Friday 16th February 2024

Academy closes for half-term break

Monday 26th February 2024

Pupils return from half-term break

Support for Parents and Carers  

Young People and Self-Harm Guides

Levels of self-harm continue to rise amongst our young people and, though a taboo subject for many, which adds to stigma and feelings of shame, we need to understand and talk about it more if we are going to find a way to support those affected, provide support at the earliest opportunity, and reduce the incidence of self-harm.

The difficulty of understanding why someone may hurt themselves and fear of making things worse can stop us engaging with this difficult issue at all.

NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care has produced information resources for young people and their parents and carers which explain why people may self-harm, how to talk about it and strategies to help young people manage their emotions before they reach a crisis, while highlighting sources of help.

The Teenage Brain - Parents Webinar

Manchester Healthy Schools are inviting parents and carers to attend a webinar. This parents' interactive webinar covers the main changes that happen to the brain during the teenage years, and how this can help us understand young people. The session will explore: three key areas of the brain, hormones that influence brain function, melatonin and sleep, how the brain works, the social brain, how learning about the brain can help us understand teenage behaviour, and the role of parents in supporting young people at this time.

To register please click this link:

Cost of Living Support

Manchester City Council have shared the following links to services that can provide support to families

Cost of living support and advice: Please share the following links/information with your employees, parents and carers who may need help, advice and support with the cost of living.

Eco Flex Scheme 

Manchester City council working alongside side Improveasy have been running the Eco Flex scheme since April 2023. ECO flex is a government-mandated programme obligating companies to fund home improvements for qualifying households.  Eligible households include those within LSOA postcodes, recipients of free school meals and those with a combined income of £31,000 or less amongst other criteria.  The purpose of ECO flex is to improve energy efficiency and reduce heating costs. 

Eligible families could receive fully funded boilers, solar panels, insulation, heat pumps, radiators and heating controls such as smart thermostats.  The scheme applies to both owner-occupied and private rented companies.

More information on the scheme can be found here -

To check your eligibility, complete this form