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Year 11 Progress Evening, 21st September 2023

We are really pleased to be able to invite parents/carers in person to our Year 11 Progress Evening which will be held on Thursday 21st September 2023 from 4.00-6.30pm. On this evening, parents/carers will have an opportunity to meet individually with each of their child’s subject teachers to discuss their progress and attainment.

Although the event will be in person, we ask that parents/carers make appointments for the evening online using School Cloud. The link to the School Cloud webpage is included below. Appointments will remain approximately 5 minutes long to ensure that as many parents/carers as possible can see their child’s teachers on the evening, and we will endeavour to keep to those times.

School Cloud Login

There will also be opportunities during the evening to meet the year team who provide pastoral support for year 11, members of the SEND team, representatives from colleges, our EAL specialist and our Academic Mentors, all of whom provide excellent support for our pupils. We work together to ensure that each pupil has what they need to be successful and this becomes more bespoke at this stage of their school career. Where a specific individual appointment with any of these members of staff is necessary we will contact parents/carers to make an appointment

Year 11 is a critical time in any pupil’s career and the conversations with teaching staff and support staff will focus on improvement and how parents/carers can support their child over the coming months be it with a college application, with which revision guides are most relevant/useful or with strategies which will help them manage the challenge and workload that Year 11 presents.

We are excited to welcome parents/carers into our academy, and we look forward to meeting you all.

Refreshments will be available during the evening. Please enter the Academy through the main reception and parking will be available at the front and side of the building. We hope that by working together, our pupil's results will be the very best they can be and will continue to build on the great success of the 2023 cohort.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs F Welsh, Assistant Vice Principal