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Celebrating our Class of 2022!

We were proud to welcome back our Year 11 pupils as they collected their exam results on Thursday 25 August. 

The class of 2022 were the first year group to take the full set of exams after the COVID pandemic. We were extremely proud of our pupils who continued to display the academy’s values of respect, commitment and trust throughout their key stage 4 years to overcome the hurdles put in their way by the lockdowns.

The overall results for the year group were proof that their hard work and dedication had paid off.

Our pupils have achieved the grades they need to unlock the next steps in their journeys. Many pupils are moving on to college courses such as A-Levels, whilst others are planning on taking up apprenticeships. 

Sharon Hands, Principal said:

“Everyday, but especially today, I’m hugely proud of our pupils, their teachers and support staff. 

Together and individually they have produced a strong set of results and we thank them for their commitment to us and trust in us. 

We wish them every happiness and future success, we dedicate the Class of 2022’s achievements to Maryam and Mia, never forgotten.”