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Pupils attend Mock Interviews to prepare for their post-16 journey

On Thursday 9th November 2022 we invited pupils in year 11 to take part in a mock interview supported by 20 local employers and further educational providers.

As part of the academy’s extensive CEIAG offer for pupils, the mock interview process aims to give pupils the opportunity to prepare for the post-16 interview in an environment in which they feel comfortable.

In preparation for the event, pupils were asked to complete an application form that was assigned to one of the employers and further educational staff who conducted their interview.

The mock interviews help pupils to learn how to answer difficult questions, develop interview strategies, improve their communication skills and  reduce the stress and anxiety that pupils may feel or develop as they receive their invites for any upcoming interviews.

The event was an extremely successful one, with pupils given feedback on their interview and provided with a range of guidance allowing them to feel confident and prepared for their post-16 journey. The employers who facilitated the event commented that pupils were ‘passionate and engaged with the process and showed a great level of maturity in how they prepared and presented on the day’ 

A Year 11 pupil commented:

‘it was really good, I learnt how to speak at an interview, the right body language, what I need to improve on and I feel well prepared for my interview coming up at college’.

A Year 11 pupil commented:

 ‘I felt really nervous when I was going into the interview but I felt really good when I came out. I was very proud of myself and as a result I now feel ready for my interviews thinking about the feedback I was given’.