Local Offer
The SEND Local Offer offers information for parents and carers in one place; helping children, young people and their parents to understand what services and support they can expect from a range of local agencies – including their statutory entitlements.
The ‘Matching Provision to Need’ tool is provided by Manchester LEA and is used by most schools and academies within Manchester.
The Matching Provision to Need Tool has been developed to:
- Support schools by setting out the levels of need and provision they are responsible for which is funded from their notional SEND budget,
- Set out the level of need and provision that the Local Authority is responsible for and which is funded from a centrally retained budget out of which comes Element 3 funding and all agreements for temporary Element 3 funding.
The tool is separated into the four areas of need referred to in the SEND code of practice (2014). These areas give an overview of the range of needs that should be planned for and are:
• Cognition and Learning
• Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
• Communication and interaction
• Sensory and/or Physical needs (in this tool Physical/Medical is followed by Sensory for hearing and visual needs)
If you have any questions please check out the Manchester Local Offer website or speak to our SENDCo Mrs H Garsden. She can be contacted at the academy via hazel.garsden@coopacademies.co.uk or by phone via 0161 681 1592.