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Pupils Accross Co-op Academy North Manchester Gain Access to Free Books Through Free Online Library

In an exciting development for Co-op Academy North Manchester, pupils now have access to a wide range of free books through a newly launched online library platform. This initiative, introduced this year, aims to enhance pupils' learning experiences by providing them with convenient access to numerous school e-books.

The ePlatform, as it is called, offers a diverse collection of e-books that cater to various reading levels and interests, ensuring that every pupil can find something engaging to read. This includes pupils of the academy community, who speak an additional language. The introduction of this digital library aligns with the academy's commitment to promoting literacy and fostering a love for reading amongst its pupils.

Principal Ms Hands expressed her enthusiasm about the launch, saying, "We are thrilled to offer our pupils this valuable resource. The ePlatform not only makes it easier for pupils to access books but also supports our goal of integrating technology into education. This initiative will undoubtedly enrich our pupils' learning journey and encourage them to explore new genres and topics."

The ePlatform is accessible to all pupils across the academy, allowing them to read anytime and anywhere, whether at school or at home. The Library has also invested in e-readers this year to enhance the pupils' reading journey. This flexibility is particularly beneficial in promoting continuous learning and providing pupils with additional resources to support their studies.

In addition to enhancing literacy, the online library aims to bridge the gap for pupils who may not have easy access to physical books. By offering a vast array of e-books, the academy ensures that every pupil has the opportunity to immerse themselves in reading, regardless of their circumstances.

The launch of the ePlatform marks a significant step forward in Co-op Academy North Manchester's mission to provide innovative and inclusive educational resources. It reflects the academy's dedication to leveraging technology to create a more dynamic and accessible learning environment for all its pupils.

How to access the Eplatform Library: 


Username: Child’s first name.Surname

Password: Library1

(Don’t forget, capital letters at the start of your first name and surname)

Step by Step

In some instances, devices will require another application to browse through, read or listen to library eBooks and Audiobooks through ePlatform.

We recommend reading eBooks through ePlatform’s browser reader, either via the ePlatform app or website, as this provides a richer and more immersive reading experience. However, note that eBooks in PDF format will need to be downloaded for reading.

Below are some step-by-step guides for the most popular devices to help get you started. If you require more assistance, our technical support team will be happy to help.

The books available are all age appropriate for pupils.