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Year 11 pupils attend Mock Interviews to support their Post-16 Pathway

On Thursday 9th November 2023, Year 11 pupils were invited to attend our annual ‘Mock Interview Day’ event supported by 13 local employers and further education providers.

As part of the extensive CEIAG offer at Co-op Academy North Manchester, the Mock Interviews offer a valued opportunity for our Year 11 pupils to be given the experience of sitting in front of a professional and being interviewed. It gives them the opportunity to carefully consider questions and form thoughtful responses in regard to qualifications and skills.

To prepare for their interview, pupils completed an online application form and were assigned to an employer who conducted their interview, who then provided invaluable feedback and guidance allowing them to feel confident and prepared for their post-16 pathway journey.

Laura Parkinson, Assistant Vice Principal for CEIAG said:

"Mock interviews are always really valued by pupils within the Academy. Being given the opportunity to test out their interview skills with an employer who is not evaluating them against a job is non-threatening and provides an opportunity for self-reflection. As always, we thank the employers that dedicate their time to coming into the academy to interview pupils and provide feedback to help our pupils go onto live happy and successful lives."

Amira, a Year 11 pupil said:

"I really liked the employer from Lovell, she inspired me to pursue my personal passion. The feedback was really positive and will help me going forward to any further education interviews."

Evie,  a Year 11pupil said:

"The mock interview was good as it was realistic, because I didn't know the employer, they provided me with good feedback about my application and interview and I now feel confident about any interviews I attend in the future."

More information about our CEIAG offer at the academy can be found here on our Careers page below. 


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