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Year 7 Progress Evening, 2nd November 2023

We are really pleased to welcome our parent and carers to the first Year 7 Progress Evening which will be held on Thursday 2nd November 2023 from 4.00-6.30pm. During this evening parent and carers have the opportunity to see their child’s subject teachers to discuss their progress and attainment. 

This is the first Parents’ Evening for Year 7 at Co-op North Manchester and these evenings are different from  Primary school parents’ evenings so we are writing to explain what parent and carers can expect and how such evenings work in practice.

Next week parent and carers will receive their child’s report in the post. It will have their child’s assessments and have an information sheet accompanying it.

Appointments are limited to five minutes to ensure that as many parents/carers as possible can see their child’s teachers on the evening. Staff endeavour to keep to those times and there is a queuing system to make sure the evening runs smoothly.

Language leaders are available to meet and greet and assist.

The evening is two and a half hours long and so it is not always possible for appointments to be made to see every subject teacher but we have attached a guide to our booking system so that appointments can be made in advance.

Although the event will be in person, we ask that you make appointments for the evening online using School Cloud.

To sign into the School Cloud webpage, parent and carers can follow the link below and complete the registration page by providing their details. Please ensure that the information entered matches the information provided to us when your child joined the academy. For example, if on our system you provided the forename ‘Daniel’, School Cloud will only accept ‘Daniel’ and would not accept ‘Dan’.

The link to the School Cloud webpage is included below along with an information sheet on the School Cloud webpage on how to make appointments.

There will also be opportunities during the evening for parent/carers to meet the year team who provide pastoral support for Year 7 and members of the SEND team  all of whom provide excellent support for our pupils. Where a specific individual appointment with any of these members of staff is necessary we will contact parent and carers to make an appointment.

We are excited to welcome parent and carers to Progress Evening for the first time and look forward to meeting you all. The car park at the front of school will be open and staff will be on hand to guide parents and carers in. 

Key Information:

Yours faithfully,

Mrs F Welsh

Assistant Vice Principal