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Teachers support pupils with revision strategies

On Thursday 31st March, 150 pupils across years 7, 8 and 9 attended the ‘How to revise’ evening’. Pupils learnt how to revise effectively and focused on effective study strategies and techniques which can be applied to all subjects.

The event provided pupils with advice, confidence, resources and the ability to positively contribute and raise the standards of their revision skills.

‘I had no idea how to revise before today. The strategies will really help me to revise and do well in all my subjects’.

Year 7 Pupil

‘I thought revising was so complicated, but I now know if I work hard and use the right strategies I can do well’. 

Year 9 Pupil

The pupils demonstrated a tremendous commitment to their learning and they worked incredibly hard throughout the event. Here at the academy, we offer a diverse curriculum and we are committed to ensuring pupils have the highest aspirations and expectations of themselves. We were thrilled to see so many of pupils in attendance.