Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
A warm welcome
From our Interim Headteacher
Ben Sinnott, Interim Headteacher
I am extremely proud to be the Interim Headteacher at this Academy. Each day I see our pupils being offered a range of experiences both inside and outside of the classroom that are equipping them with the skills to go on to lead happy and successful lives.
World Book Day is always a special time at Co-op Academy North Manchester, and this year was no exception! The academy was buzzing with excitement as pupils and staff took part in a range of fantastic literary activities throughout the week.
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It is with great pleasure that we invite parents and carers to our Year 9 Options Evening on Thursday 6th March from 4.00pm - 6.30pm. At Co-op Academy North Manchester we are very proud of the variety of courses we are able to offer pupils at Key Stage 4 and believe it is important that we equi...
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Our pupils set sail on a breathtaking theatrical journey as they brought Disney’s Moana JR. to life on stage over three unforgettable nights, from the 12th to the 14th of February 2025. In addition to the evening performances, a special matinee show was held exclusively for the pupils of Charl...
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Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from a broad and ambitious curriculum.
Pupils enjoy a variety of musical clubs and performing on the stage. There is a raft of leadership opportunities, including being a mental-health ambassador, sports leader or sitting on the student council.
The school has ensured that the order of learning helps pupils to build on prior knowledge and to connect new ideas. The school has identified the important knowledge that pupils need to know and when it should be taught.
Following the Year 9 Options Event we invite our Year 9 cohort to complete the options form.