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How do we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils?

Co-op Academy North Manchester works closely with the Careers and Enterprise company.

This is an external organisation that supports schools to ensure they are following the DFEs newly devised Careers Strategy. The following information is an extract taken from this guidance.

“The careers strategy sets out that every school and academy providing secondary education should use the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks to develop and improve their careers provision. This statutory guidance has been restructured around the Benchmarks with information on what schools need to do to meet each one. The Gatsby Benchmarks are not a statutory framework but by adopting them, schools can be confident that they are fulfilling their legal duties: the existing duties to secure independent careers guidance and provide opportunities to a range of providers to inform pupils about technical education qualifications or apprenticeships and the new duty to publish information about the careers programme on the school website.”

We are entirely committed to using the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks as a foundation to the development of the CEIAG programme. This is a termly review to measure against the Benchmarks, our most recent review can be found following this link:

Evaluations of the careers programme are taken at various times, to include the following:  

Careers workshops – verbal feedback from the pupils and employers involved and the completion of a Google Quiz to ensure that a proper evaluation of the event can happen. Forms are linked at the bottom of this page.

Careers fair – verbal feedback from the pupils and employers involved and the completion of a Google Quiz to ensure that a proper evaluation of the event can happen. Forms are linked at the bottom of this page.

MOCK interview morning – verbal feedback from the pupils and employers involved and the completion of a Google Quiz to ensure that a proper evaluation of the event can happen. Forms are linked at the bottom of this page.

Work experience week – Contact is also made with each placement during the week. Feedback is requested from the employers via ‘Our Futures’, verbal feedback and google quizzes are used to collect pupil feedback. 

General feedback – Every year groups receive a Google Quiz which they can access via Google Classroom to ask them to evaluate the career provision they have received. Parents are also sent a link via ParentMail to collect their feedback. This information is then used to evaluate and put forward actions to change the CEIAG programme.  Parent forum is also another opportunity for them to share their feedback on CEIAG in their own experience. 

Reviews are carried out annually on all policies, the programme and information published, dates can be found on the relevant documentation. 

The next review will take place in July 2024 with a termly review to ensure that website information is relevant and up to date