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Uniform Standards & Expectations

As we approach the end of term, I am writing to thank you for your support in ensuring the highest possible standards for our pupils.  Our pupils, parents, carers and staff are what makes us an incredible school community.  At Co-op academy North Manchester, community is at the heart of everything we do.  We believe that a collaborative approach between parents, carers and school is essential for the success of our pupils so that they lead happy and successful lives.  Your support in reinforcing our expectations will undoubtedly contribute to strong and positive attitudes to learning.    

School Uniform:

We are thankful for the support of our parents and carers in ensuring pupils ‘do what matters most’ and come to school fully prepared and in the correct uniform.  Our pupils wear our uniform proudly as a sign of belonging to our academy and as a member of our North Manchester community.  As an academy, we are equally proud of how well our pupils arrive at school on time, carry all of their equipment and are in full school uniform.  

As the cold winter weather approaches, we want to ensure that all pupils have appropriate winter clothing to keep them warm.  As an academy, we are committed to working with families in the community.  Should any pupil in our school not have any essential winter clothing, please let us know, and we will look to support in a number of ways.

If pupils make the decision to wear socks, they must be black in colour.  We have recently supported a number of pupils who have attended school wearing colourful socks.  Please can we kindly ask parents and carers that when you purchase new socks over the winter period that these must be black to be worn at school.  

This week the temperature is expected to remain at or below zero degrees celsius.  It is really important that all pupils have a warm winter coat, a hat and gloves to keep them warm.  Pupils can choose to wear a plain black jumper under their blazer.  Staff here provide excellent pastoral care, so please let us know if your child needs some winter clothing by getting in contact with the school.  As a school, we work closely with the Manchester United Football Club Foundation, who have recently supported pupils by providing new socks, gloves, coats and hats.      

So that our pupils are fully prepared and ready to learn, we ask all pupils to bring with them a school bag, a pencil case, pens, pencils and a planner.  Again, please can we ask you to support our high standards.  We believe in having the highest aspirations and expectations, so that everyone achieves excellence in all that they do.

Having a planner and school bag means our pupils have their timetables to hand and are able to carry their sports equipment and books with them to school.  Again, please let us know how we can support you if your child does not have all of their uniform.  

Jewellery, body piercings and make-up are not a part of the academy uniform. This includes nails, which must be natural and of an acceptable length due to health and safety requirements.  

School passes:

Starting this week we are launching a 3-week countdown for when we will change the way we distribute and monitor our school passes.  As an academy, we issue passes to pupils for a number of reasons.  For example, pupils who attend extra-curricular clubs will have passes to get lunch first, so they can attend their lunchtime club.  

Pupils with additional needs are also issued with passes so that they can leave lessons 5 minutes early and so that they can walk around the school when the corridors are quieter.  This is one of the ways we support all pupils inclusive of our most vulnerable pupils.  In January, we will change the way we issue passes.  This is because there are increasing numbers of pupils with ‘leave early’ passes and so the corridors can still be quite busy.  From January, some pupils will be issued with ‘arrive after lesson’ passes, whilst some pupils will be issued with ‘arrive before lesson’ passes.     

Starting in January:

  • Pupils will be asked to hand over any old school passes

  • New passes will be distributed to pupils on coloured paper

  • Pupils who have a 5 minute leave early pass will receive a 5 minute leave late pass 

  • Parents and carers will be informed what passes have been issued to their child 

Each week, in the run-up to the relaunch in January, I will write to parents via Parentmail with details of the countdown.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the academy uniform or expectations outlined above, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Yours sincerely,

Mr A Burkitt, Vice Principal